Morris, Desmond
MORRIS, Desmond
MORRIS, Desmond. British, b. 1928. Genres: Novels, Anthropology/ Ethnology, Biology, Zoology. Career: Researcher, Oxford University, 1951- 56; head of Granada TV and Film Unit at the Zoological Society of London, 1956-59; curator of mammals, Zoological Society of London, 1959-67; director, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London, 1967-68; research fellow, Wolfson College, Oxford, 1973-81. Publications: The Biology of Art, 1962; The Mammals, 1965; (with R. Morris) Men and Snakes, 1965; (with R. Morris) Men and Apes, 1966; (with R. Morris) Men and Pandas, 1966; (ed.) Primate Ethology, 1967; The Naked Ape, 1967; The Human Zoo, 1969; Patterns of Reproductive Behaviour, 1970; Intimate Behaviour, 1971; Manwatching, 1977; (co-author) Gestures, 1979; Animals Days (autobiography), 1979; The Soccer Tribe, 1981; Inrock (fiction), 1983; The Book of Ages, 1983; The Art of Ancient Cyprus, 1985; Bodywatching, 1985; The Illustrated Naked Ape, 1986; Catwatching, 1986; Dogwatching, 1986; The Secret Surrealist, 1987; Cat Lore, 1987; The Animals Roadshow, 1988; The Human Nestbuilders, 1988; Horsewatching, 1988; The Animal Contract, 1990; Animalwatching, 1990; Babywatching, 1991; Christmas Watching, 1992; The World of Animals, 1993; The Naked Ape Trilogy, 1994; The Human Animal, 1994; Illustrated Catwatching, 1994; Bodytalk, 1994; Illustrated Dogwatching, 1996; Catworld, 1996; The Human Sexes, 1997; Illustrated Horsewatching, 1998; Cool Cats, 1999; Body Guards, 1999; The Naked Eye, 2000; Dogs, a Dictionary of Dog Breeds, 2001; Peoplewatching, 2002. Address: c/o Jonathan Cape, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Rd, London SW1V 2SA, England. Online address: [email protected]