Stanley, Autumn
STANLEY, Autumn. American, b. 1933. Genres: Mystery/Crime/Suspense, Children's fiction, Archaeology/Antiquities, History, Technology, Women's studies and issues, Biography. Career: Stanford University Press, Stanford, CA, editor of scholarly books, 1969-74; Wadsworth Publishing Co., Belmont, CA, senior developmental editor of science textbooks, 1974-80; independent scholar and researcher, 1980-. Montalvo Center for the Arts, resident artist, 1983; Stanford University, affiliated scholar of Institute for Research on Women and Gender, 1984-88. Past instructor at Pacific Lutheran College and Canada College. Publications: Sparrowgrass: The Asparagus Cookbook, 1976; Mainder the Buttercup, 1977; The Enchanted Quill, 1978; Mothers and Daughters of Invention: Notes for a Revised History of Technology, 1993. Work represented in anthologies. Contributor of articles, poems, and stories to magazines. Address: 241 Bonita, Los Trancos Woods, Portola Valley, CA 94028, U.S.A.