Tomalin, Ruth
TOMALIN, Ruth. Also writes as Ruth Leaver. British. Genres: Novels, Novellas/Short stories, Children's fiction, Poetry, Natural history, Biography. Career: Freelance press reporter, London law courts, 1966-. Staff reporter for newspapers, 1942-65. Publications: Threnody for Dormice, 1946; The Day of the Rose, 1947; (as Ruth Leaver) Green Ink, 1951; Deer's Cry, 1952; All Souls, 1952; W.H. Hudson, 1954; (as Ruth Leaver) The Sound of Pens, 1955; The Daffodil Bird, 1959; The Sea Mice, 1962; The Garden House, 1964, rev. ed., 2002; The Spring House, 1968; (ed.) Best Country Stories, 1969; Away to the West, 1972; A Green Wishbone, 1975; A Stranger Thing, 1975; The Snake Crook, 1976; Gone Away, 1979; W. H. Hudson, 1982; Little Nasty, 1985; A Summer Ghost, 1986; Another Day, 1988; Long Since, 1989; Garden House Diaries, 2003. Represented in anthologies of poems from World War II. Address: 10 Pegasus Ct, 29 St. Leonard's Rd, East- bourne, E. Sussex BN21 3UP, England.