Two Deaths

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Two Deaths ★★ 1994 (R)

Sex, brutality, power, madness, death, revolution—sounds like a Roeg concoction. In 1989 Romania, the Ceaucescu government is under siege and a civil war rages outside. But inside the opulent apartment of cynical Dr. Daniel Pavenic (Gambon) calmness prevails, as three longtime friends join him for their annual reunion dinner. Dinner is served by Pavenic's housekeeper Ana (Braga), who has a strange, disturbing relationship with the possessive doctor that he relates to his friends. His candor leads to similar revelations by his companions. Based on the novel “The Two Deaths of Senora Puccini” by Stephen Dobyns. 102m/C VHS, DVD . GB Michael Gambon, Sonia Braga, Patrick Malahide, Nickolas Grace, John Shrapnel, Ion Caramitru; D: Nicolas Roeg; W: Allan Scott; C: Witold Stok; M: Hans Zimmer.

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