Urwin, Derek W(illiam)

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URWIN, Derek W(illiam)

URWIN, Derek W(illiam). British, b. 1939. Genres: History, Politics/ Government, International relations/Current affairs. Career: University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, lecturer in politics, 1963-72; University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, associate professor of comparative politics, 1972- 80; University of Warwick, Coventry, England, professor of politics, 1981- 90; University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland, professor of politics and international relations, 1990-. Yale University, visiting research fellow, 1969- 70; McGill University, visiting professor, 1973; University of Mannheim, visiting research professor, 1990. Publications: (co-author) The Politics of Territorial Identity, 1982; (co-author) Economy, Territory, Identity, 1983; (co- author) Centre-Periphery Structures in Europe, 1987; Politics in Western Europe Today, 1990; The Community of Europe, 1991, rev. ed., 1994; Historical Dictionary of European International Organizations, 1994; Dictionary of European History and Politics, 1996; A Political History of Western Europe since 1945, 1997. Address: Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB9 2TY, Scotland.

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