Willard 2003

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Willard ★★ 2003 (PG-13)

Willard is back (in the form of Glover) and he brought the rats with him. He's the beaten-down son to a hateful, domineering mom, and the punching bag for his brutish boss (Ermey). The twist in this one is that he communicates with fuzzy, white Socrates, instead of the apparently steroid-fueled giant rat Ben, which causes a vermin power struggle. Sometimes clever (the original Willard, Bruce Davison, is seen in a painting as this Willard's deceased father), but mostly soulless remake does have the advantage of Glover's presence in a role that seems made for him. He goes all-out and over-the-top to portray Willard's swirling psychosis and ever-escalating delusions of grandeur. 95m/C VHS, DVD . US Crispin Glover, R. Lee Ermey, Laura Elena Harring, Jackie Burroughs, David Parker; D: Glen Morgan; W: Glen Morgan; C: Robert McLachlan; M: Shirley Walker.

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