Georgiades, Thrasybulos

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Georgiades, Thrasybulos

Georgiades, Thrasybulos, Greek musicologist;b. Athens, Jan. 4, 1907; d. Munich, March 15, 1977. He studied piano in Athens, then studied musicology with Rudolf von Picker at the Univ. of Munich, where he received his Ph.D. in 1935 with the diss. Englische Diskanttraktate aus der ersten Halfte des 15. Jahrhunderts (publ. in Wiirzburg, 1937); he also studied composition with Orff. In 1938 he became a prof, at the Athens Odeon, serving as its director from 1939 to 1941. He completed his Habilitation at the Univ. of Munich in 1947 with his Bemerkungen zur antiken Quantitatsmetrik (publ. in Hamburg, 1949, as Der griechische Rhyihmus. Musik, Reigen, Vers und Spmche; 2nd ed., 1977; Eng. tr., N.Y., 1956). In 1948 he joined the faculty of the Univ. of Heidelberg; in 1956 he became a prof, at the Univ. of Munich, retiring in 1972. He contributed valuable papers to German music journals on ancient Greek, Byzantine, and medieval music. His other writings include Volkslied als Bekenntnis (Regensburg, 1947), Musik und Sprache (Berlin, 1954; Eng. tr., Cambridge, 1983), Musik und Rhythmus bei den Griechen (Hamburg, 1958), Zum Ursprung der abendlandischen Musik (Hamburg, 1958), Musik und Schrift (Munich, 1962), Das musikalische Theater (Munich, 1965), and Schubert, Musik und Lyrik (Göttingen, 1967).


D. Dorner, Musik als Reprasentationsgeschehen: Ein musikphilosophischer Rekurs aufT. G. (Frankfurt am Main, 1998).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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