Liliencron, Rochus, Freiherr von

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Liliencron, Rochus, Freiherr von

Liliencron, Rochus, Freiherr von, eminent German music scholar; b. Piön, Dec. 8,1820; d. Koblenz, March 5, 1912. He began his studies in Plön and after further training in Lübeck, he took courses in theology, law, and philology at the univs. of Kiel and Berlin (Ph.D., 1846, with the diss. Über Neidharts höflische Dorfpoesie; publ. in the Zeitschrift für deutsche Altertum, VI, 1848). He subsequently pursued Old Norse studies in Copenhagen and qualified as a Privatdozent in Bonn. In 1851 he became a teacher of Old Norse language and literature at the Univ. of Kiel. After teaching philology in Jena (from 1852), he was in the service of the court of the Duke of Saxe-Meiningen (1855–58). In 1858 the Royal Bavarian Academy of Science commissioned him to collect German folk songs, which he publ. as Die historischen Volkslieder der Deutschen vom 13. bis 16. Jahrhundert (4 vols, and appendix, Leipzig, 1865–69). With F. von Wegele, he then ed. the valuable Allgemeine deutsche Biographie (53 vols., Leipzig, 1875–1907). In 1876 he was made prelate and prior at St. John’s Monastery in Schleswig. In 1909 he went to Berlin, and then settled in Koblenz in 1911. In 1894 he became head of the editorial commission of the Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst, and was responsible for overseeing about 45 of its vols, for publication. Liliencron was one of the foremost music scholars of his day. His scholarly pursuits were complemented by his extensive knowledge of philology, literature, and theology. He pubi, an autobiography, Frohe Jugendtage, Lebenserrinnerungen, Kindern und Enkeln erzählt (Leipzig, 1902). H. Kretzschmar ed. a Festschrift in honor of his 90th birthday (Leipzig, 1910).


With W. Stade, Lieder und Sprüche aus det letzten Zeit des Minnesangs (Weimar, 1854); Deutsches Leben im Volkslied um 1530 (Berlin and Stuttgart, 1885); Die horazischen Metren in deutschen Kompositionen des XVI. Jahrhunderts (Leipzig, 1887); Liturgisch- musikalische Geschichte der evangelischen Gottesdienste von 1523 bis 1700 (Schleswig, 1893); Die Aufgaben des Choregesanges im heutigen Gottesdienste (Oppeln, 1895); Chorod-nung für die Sonn-und Festtage des evangelischen Kirchenjahres (Gütersloh, 1900); Volksliederbuch für Männerchöre (Leipzig, 1906).


A. Bettelheim, Leben und Wirken des Freiherrn R. v. L (Berlin, 1917).

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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