Liljefors, Ruben (Mattias)

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Liljefors, Ruben (Mattias)

Liljefors, Ruben (Mattias), Swedish composer and conductor, father of Ingemar (Kristian) Liljefors; b. Uppsala, Sept. 30, 1871; d. there, March 4, 1936. He studied in Uppsala; then with Jadassohn at the Leipzig Cons.; later in Dresden with Draeseke and with Reger in Leipzig. Returning to Sweden, he was conductor of the Göteborg Phil. (1902–11) and the Gavleborg Orch. Soc. (1912–31). His works, which included a Piano Concerto (1899; rewritten 1922), Sym. (1906), Sommer-Suite for Orch. (1920), choral works, chamber music, piano pieces, and songs, followed in the Romantic tradition.

—Nicolas Slonimsky/Laura Kuhn/Dennis McIntire

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