Mumma, Howard E. 1909-

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MUMMA, Howard E. 1909-


Born June 27, 1909, in Springfield, OH. Education: Yale University, B.S. (with honors), 1936, B.D., 1939, M.S.T., 1944.


Agent—Paraclete Press, 365 Southern Eagle Cartway, Boston, MA 02631-1558.


Ordained Methodist minister, 1940; pastor of Methodist churches in Columbus, OH, and Cuyahoga Falls, OH; United Methodist Church, district superintendent of Akron District, Northeast Ohio Conference, and chairperson of cabinet for bishop of Ohio. Guest preacher at churches throughout Europe. Mount Union College, past member of board of trustees. Formerly worked as social worker in "Hell's Kitchen" district, New York, NY; also worked at steel plants and with power company construction gangs.


D.Div., Ohio Northern University, 1955; LL.D., Salem College (Salem, WV), 1965.


Take It to the People: New Ways in Soul Winning— Unconventional Evangelism, World Publishing (New York, NY), 1969.

Albert Camus and the Minister, Paraclete Press (Brewster, MA), 2000.

Contributor to periodicals, including Pastor and Methodist Story.


Howard E. Mumma told CA: "I have had a varied career. During two summers I was a social worker in 'Hell's Kitchen,' in New York City, working with typical 'dead-end kids.' I have worked in steel plants and on construction gangs for an Ohio power company. For two years I was a lecturer on effective speaking at a Midwestern university. Since becoming a pastor, I have served on mediation boards and, through my efforts, several labor disputes have been successfully concluded.

"I have made five extensive tours into eastern Europe. In 1948 I was interred for four days in Warsaw, Poland, by the Communist regime. I visited concentration camps in Poland, Czechoslovakia, East Germany, and Yugoslavia. In all of these countries I had the opportunity to study the plight of the common man. I sat in conference with high government officials in Prague, Warsaw, and Berlin. I was a guest in the home of Archbishop Joseph Beran, Roman Catholic prelate of Czechoslovakia, on the very day the archbishop was arrested by the Communists. I have visited Methodist churches and mission schools in thirty-four countries, including visits to Africa, India, and the Far East."

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