Nardin, Terry 1942-

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NARDIN, Terry 1942-

PERSONAL: Born January 1, 1942, in New York, NY; son of Warren (a designer) and Gloria (Vinci) Nardin; married Jane Baron, January 9, 1962; children: Rachel, Sophia. Education: Attended University of Chicago, 1959–61; New York University, B.A., 1963; Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, M.A., 1966, Ph.D., 1967.

ADDRESSES: Home—Milwaukee, WI. Office—Department of Political Science, Bolton Hall, P.O. Box 413, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201.

CAREER: Political scientist, writer, editor, and educator. State University of New York, Buffalo, assistant professor, 1967–73, associate professor, 1973–85, professor, 1985; University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, professor of political science, beginning 1985, UWM Distinguished Professor, beginning 2003. Has also taught at University of Hawaii, 1968. Visiting Canterbury Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 2004.

Has served on the editorial board of Ethics and International Affairs, 1986–2000, 2003–, Human Rights and Human Welfare, 2001–, British Idealist Studies, 2001–, and International Studies Quarterly, 2003–; and on the international advisory board of the European Journal of International Relations, 1994–99. Also served on the board of directors of the Ethikon Institute, Redondo Beach, CA, 1991–98 (vice president and program director, 1993–96).

MEMBER: International Studies Association, American Political Science Association, American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy, Conference for Study of Political Thought, American Society of International Law, Collingwood Society, Michael Oakeshott Associatin, American Association of University Professors.

AWARDS, HONORS: National Science Foundation research grants, 1966–67, 1972–73; grant from Council for Intersocietal Studies, Northwestern University, 1968–71; State University of New York faculty research fellowships, 1971, 1972, 1978; Rockefeller Foundation humanities fellowship, 1978–79; UWM Foundation research award, 1993; distinguished service award, UWM Honors program, 2001; fellow, Center for Twenty-First Century Studies, University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee, 2001–02.


Theories of Conflict Management, Canadian Peace Research Institute, 1971.

Violence and the State, Sage Publications, 1971.

Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 1983.

(Editor, with David R. Mapel) Traditions of International Ethics, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 1992.

(Editor) The Ethics of War and Peace: Religious and Secular Perspectives, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 1996.

(Editor, with David R. Mapel) International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 1998.

The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, Pennsylvania State University Press (University Park, PA), 2001.

(Editor, with Chris Brown and Nicholas Rengger) Texts in International Relations: From Ancient Greece to the First World War, Cambridge University Press (New York, NY), 2002.

(Editor, with Melissa S. Williams) Humanitarian Intervention, New York University Press (New York, NY), 2005.

(Editor, with Daniel J. Sherman) Terror, Culture, Politics: Rethinking 9/11, Indiana University Press (Bloomington, IN), 2005.

Contributor to Yale Review, American Political Science Review, British Journal of International Studies, and other journals.

WORK IN PROGRESS: A book on the political theory of international relations tentatively titled The Morality of States.

SIDELIGHTS: Terry Nardin is a political scientist who has authored and helped edit numerous books on political theory and thought. As editor of The Ethics of War and Peace: Religious and Secular Perspectives, Nardin provides the reader with fourteen essays originating primarily from a Jerusalem conference in 1993. The essays are arranged according to four categorical titles: "The Classic Debate: Natural Law and Political Realism," "Expanding the Dialogue: Judaism and Islam," "Critical Perspectives: Christian Pacifism and Feminism," and "Comparative Overview." Writing in Ethics, Kenneth W. Kemp noted, "The essays are well written and thought-provoking."

Nardin is also the author of The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, a critical look at the conservative political theorist who became known as more of a philosopher. The book focuses primarily on the ideas of human choice and action as well as the reality of human existence as espoused by Oakeshott. It delves into issues concerning morality, law, and government and places special emphasis on knowledge of human conduct. Leon H. Brody, writing in the Library Journal, noted that the author "limits himself to interpreting and explaining Oakeshott's thinking, not criticizing it." Ethics contributor Timothy Fuller wrote that Nardin "has produced an excellent interpretation of the work of Michael Oakeshott." Brody went on to comment, "It is a work that combines praise with scholarly exactitude. It is a philosophic response to a philosophic life."

Nardin shared editorial duties with David R. Mapel for International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives. In the book, contributors address issues concerning the constitution of international society, the basis for authority in society, and how well laws and institutions relate to an international concern for justice for everyone, including various cultures and the poor. Yosef Lapid, writing in American Political Science Review, noted that the editors wrote an "effective" introduction and added, "Perhaps the most attractive feature of the … volume is the editorial decision to opt for a nontraditional approach that allows spokespersons for alternative viewpoints in five ethical perspectives."



American Journal of International Law, October, 1984, N.G. Onuf, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, pp. 939-942; October, 1994, Benedict Kingsbury, review of Traditions of International Ethics, pp. 838-840.

American Political Science Review, March, 1985, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 270; June, 2000, Yosef Lapid, review of International Society: Diverse Ethical Perspectives, p. 503.

Australian Journal of Political Science, November, 1998, Colm McKeogh, review of International Society, p. 477.

Canadian Journal of Political Science, March, 1994, Jean-Francois Thibault, review of Traditions of International Ethics, p. 201; September, 1997, David A. Welch, review of The Ethics of War and Peace: Religious and Secular Perspectives, p. 605; July, 1999, Mervyn Frost, review of International Society, p. 413.

Canadian Philosophical Review, October, 1996, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 362.

Choice, April, 1984, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 1198; October, 1996, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 296; October, 1998, M. Amstutz, review of International Society, p. 393.

Columbia Law Review, May, 1985, Oscar Schacter, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, pp. 894-898.

Ethics, April, 1985, Carey B. Joynt, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, pp. 762-763; October 1, 1993, Thomas B. Grassey, review of Traditions of International Ethics, pp. 203-204; April, 1998, Kenneth W. Kemp, review of The Ethics of War and Peace: Religious and Secular Perspectives, p. 629; October, 2001, Douglas P. Lackey, review of International Society, p. 167; April, 2003, Timothy Fuller, review of The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, p. 711.

First Things, November, 1998, James Turner Johnson, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 63.

History and Theory, October, 2002, review of The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, p. 412.

Human Rights Quarterly, August, 1984, Jack Donnelly, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, pp. 381-383.

International Affairs, January, 1993, Liam O'Sullivan, review of Traditions of International Ethics, p. 112; January, 1997, N.J. Rengger, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 167; October, 1998, Ian Harris, review of International Society, p. 914.

International and Comparative Law Quarterly, April, 1985, F. Parkinson, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, pp. 404-405; April, 1999, Colin Warbrick, review of International Society, p. 473.

International Journal of Middle East Studies, November, 1997, J. Patout Burns, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 631.

Journal of Politics, February, 1985, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 330; May, 1993, Mary Maxwell, review of Traditions of International Ethics, p. 554; February, 1994, Patrick Callahan, review of Traditions of International Ethics, p. 261; May, 1997, David Louis Cingranelli, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 650; May, 2003, review of The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, p. 584.

Journal of Religion, April, 1999, Scott Davis, review of International Society, p. 327.

Journal of the American Academy of Religion, summer, 1997, Ira Charles, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 501.

Library Journal, December 1, 1983, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 225; February 15, 2002, Leon H. Brody, review of The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, p. 148.

Michigan Law Review, February, 1985, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, pp. 755-758.

New York University Journal of International Law and Politics, winter, 1984, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 506; summer, 1999, Rupa Mitra, review of International Society, pp. 947-950.

Perspective, January, 1985, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 25.

Philosophy in Review, December, 2002, review of The Philosophy of Michael Oakeshott, p. 429.

Political Studies, December, 1992, Robert H. Jackson, review of Traditions of International Ethics, p. 765; December, 1999, N.J. Rengger, review of International Society, p. 975.

Religious Studies Review, January, 1997, review of The Ethics of War and Peace, p. 52.

SAIS Review, summer-fall, 1994, Lucy M. Cummings, review of Traditions of International Ethics, p. 182.

Texas International Law Journal, winter, 1984, review of Law, Morality, and the Relations of States, p. 260.


University of Wisconsin—Milwaukee Web site, (September 9, 2005), faculty profile of author.

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