Ronnick, Michele Valerie 1955-
Ronnick, Michele Valerie 1955-
Born June 3, 1955, in Westerly, RI; daughter of Albert J. (an entrepreneur) and Elizabeth Ann (a homemaker) Ronnick. Education: Florida State University, M.S.L.S., 1977; University of Florida, M.A., 1986; Boston University, Ph.D., 1990. Politics: Democrat. Religion: Jewish.
Home—Detroit, MI. Office—Department of Classics, Wayne State University, 431 Manoogian Hall, Detroit, MI 48201. E-mail—[email protected].
Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, professor of classics. Affiliated with the traveling photographic exhibition "12 Black Classicists." Guest lecturer at educational institutions, including Harvard University, Auburn University, Princeton University, Calvin College, Monmouth College, Xavier University, University of South Florida, Georgetown University, and Oberlin College.
American Association for Neo-Latin Studies, American Classical League (life member), American Philological Association (life member), Archaeological Institute of America, College Language Association (life member), Women's Classical Caucus (life member), Classical Association of the Atlantic States (life member), Classical Association of the Middle West and South (life member), Michigan Classical Conference (life member), Detroit Classical Association.
Eleven awards from Classical Association of the Middle West and South, between 1994 and 2001; American Philological Association, award for teaching excellence, 1997, and Outreach Award, 2006, for The Autobiography of William Sanders Scarborough (1852-1926): An American Journey from Slavery to Scholarship; award for excellence in teaching, Detroit Classical Association, 2000; article award, Women's Classical Caucus, 2002, for "William Sanders Scarborough: The First African American Member of the Modern Language Association"; grants from James Loeb Classical Library Foundation, Harvard University, 2003, 2004, for the exhibition "12 Black Classicists."
Cicero's Paradoxa Stoicorum: A Commentary, an Interpretation, and a Study of Its Influence, Peter Lang (New York, NY), 1991.
The Autobiography of William Sanders Scarborough (1852-1926): An American Journey from Slavery to Scholarship, Wayne State University Press (Detroit, MI), 2005.
(Editor and author of introduction) The Works of William Sanders Scarborough: Black Classicist and Race Leader, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2006.
Shorter works include "Teaching the Classical Tradition," edited with Emily Albu, American Philological Association, 1999; and "The First Three African American Members of the American Philological Association," American Philological Association, 2001. Contributor to reference books. Contributor of more than one hundred articles to periodicals, including Classical Outlook, Arion, American Journal of Philology, Milton Quarterly, Phoenix, Allegorica, EarlyAmerican Literature, Journal of American Culture, Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, and New England Quarterly. Member of editorial board, Classical and Modern Literature.
Michele Valerie Ronnick Home Page, (July 20, 2007).
12 Black Classicists: A Website to Accompany the Traveling Photo Exhibit by Michele Valerie Ronnick, (July 20, 2007).