Stillwaggon, Eileen 1949–

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STILLWAGGON, Eileen 1949–

PERSONAL: Born December 14, 1949, in New York, NY. Education: Georgetown University, B.S., 1971; American University, M.A., 1974, Ph.D., 1979; Cambridge University, diploma in economics, 1977.

ADDRESSES: Office—Department of Economics, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA 17325; fax 717-337-6638. E-mail—

CAREER: U.S. Department of the Treasury, Washington, DC, researcher for Office of Developing Nations Finance, 1972–75; Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, teacher at Queen's College, 1974–75; American University, Washington, DC, teacher, 1975–77; Indian Rights Association, researcher, 1978–79; Trinity College, Washington, DC, teacher, 1979–80; American University, teacher, 1980; Howard University, Washington, DC, teacher, 1981–83; University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, teacher, 1984–85; Lincoln University College, Buenos Aires, Argentina, visiting professor 1992–93; Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, PA, visiting lecturer, 1994–95, assistant professor, 1995–2002, associate professor of economics, 2002–. U.S. Congress, researcher for American Indian Policy Review Commission, 1976–77. Consultant to community and health projects in Dominican Republic, 1999.

MEMBER: American Economic Association.

AWARDS, HONORS: Senior Fulbright scholar in Tanzania, 1984–85, and Ecuador, 1999–2000; Gettysburg College Order of Omega Teaching Award, 1999, Faculty Award for Excellence in Research, 2001–02, and Presidential research fellowship, 2004.


Stunted Lives, Stagnant Economies: Poverty, Disease, and Underdevelopment, Rutgers University Press (New Brunswick, NJ), 1998.

AIDS and the Ecology of Poverty, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), 2005.

Contributor to books, including William T. Kosanovich, editor, Bureau of International Labor Affairs Research Symposium Papers, Volume 2: HIV/AIDS and the Workplace in Developing Countries, Bureau of International Labor Affairs, 2003; and Eduard Beck and others, editors, Dealing with the HIV Pandemic in the Twenty-first Century, Oxford University Press, 2004. Contributor to scholarly journals and newspapers, including Monthly Review, Journal of Commerce, Chicago Tribune, Journal of Development Studies, Washington Post, Hartford Courant, Buenos Aires Herald, Nation, South African Journal of Economics, Development and Change, Monthly Review, and International Herald Tribune.

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