chill / chil/ • n. [in sing.] a moderate but unpleasant coldness: there was a chill in the air. ∎ (often chills) a lowered body temperature, often accompanied by shivering. ∎ a feverish cold. ∎ fig. a coldness of manner: the sudden chill in China's relations with the West. ∎ fig. a depressing influence: his statements have cast a chill over this whole country. ∎ a sudden and powerful unpleasant feeling, esp. of fear: his words sent a chill of apprehension down my spine. ∎ a metal mold or part of a mold, often cooled, designed to ensure rapid or even cooling of metal during casting.• v. [tr.] 1. (often be chilled) make (someone) cold: I'm chilled to the bone. ∎ cool (food or drink) in a refrigerator.2. (often be chilled) horrify or frighten (someone): the city was chilled by the violence.3. (also chill out) [intr.] inf. calm down and relax. ∎ pass time without a particular aim or purpose, esp. with other people: we had a week at home and we chilled out.• adj. chilly: the chill gray dawn | fig. the chill winds of public censure. PHRASES: take the chill off warm slightly.DERIVATIVES: chill·ing·ly adv.chill·ness n.chill·some / -səm/ adj. ( poetic/lit. ).
Hence chilly XVI; see -Y 1.