nib·ble / ˈnibəl/ • v. take small bites out of: [tr.] he sat nibbling a cookie | [intr.] she nibbled at her food. ∎ [intr.] eat in small amounts, esp. between meals. ∎ gently bite at (a part of the body), esp. amorously or nervously: [tr.] Tamar nibbled her bottom lip | [intr.] he nibbled at her earlobe. ∎ fig. gradually erode or eat away: [intr.] inflation was nibbling away at spending power. ∎ [intr.] fig. show cautious interest in a project or proposal: there's a New York agent nibbling.• n. [in sing.] an instance of nibbling something. ∎ a small piece of food bitten off. ∎ (nibbles) inf. small savory snacks, typically eaten before a meal or with drinks. ∎ an expression of cautious interest in a project or proposal: now and then she gets a nibble, but no one will commit to an interview.
nibble take little bites (of); fig. carp. XV. cf. LG. nibbeln, also gnibbeln, knibbeln gnaw = Du. knibbelen gnaw, murmur, squabble.