
views updated May 29 2018

al·ler·gen / ˈalərjən/ • n. a substance that causes an allergic reaction.DERIVATIVES: al·ler·gen·ic / ˌalərˈjenik/·ler·ge·nic·i·ty / ˌalərjəˈnisitē/ n.


views updated May 14 2018


Any substance that can bring about an allergic response in an organism. Hay fever and asthma are two common allergic responses. The allergens that evoke these responses include pollen, fungi , and dust. Allergens can be described as host-specific agents in that a particular allergen may affect some individuals, but not others. A number of air pollutants are known to be allergens. Formaldehyde, thiocyanates, and epoxy resins are examples. People who are allergic to natural allergens, such as pollen, are more inclined to be sensitive also to synthetic allergens, such as formaldehyde.


views updated May 18 2018

allergen An antigen that provokes an abnormal immune response. Common allergens include pollen and dust (see allergy).


views updated May 23 2018

allergen A chemical compound, commonly a protein, which causes the production of antibodies, and hence an allergic reaction. See also adverse reactions to foods.


views updated May 09 2018

allergen (al-er-jĕn) n. any antigen that causes allergy in a hypersensitive person.
allergenic adj.

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