
views updated May 14 2018

fas·ci·a / ˈfash(ē)ə; ˈfā-/ • n. 1. a wooden board or other flat piece of material such as that covering the ends of rafters. ∎  a covering, typically a detachable one, for the front part of a cellular phone. ∎  (in classical architecture) a long flat surface between moldings on an architrave.2. (pl. fas·ci·ae / -shēˌē/ ) Anat. a thin sheath of fibrous tissue enclosing a muscle or other organ.


views updated May 11 2018

fascia (pl. fasciae.)
1. One of two or three bands on a Classical architrave, each projecting slightly beyond the one below, often separated by enriched mouldings.

2. Any band or belt with a plain vertical face, such as a fascia-board at eaves-level.

3. Deep board over a shop-front on which lettering is placed.


views updated May 21 2018

fascia (fash-iă) n. (pl. fasciae) connective tissue that envelops organs and tissues, forms sheaths for muscles, and is found immediately beneath the skin.


views updated May 14 2018

fascia A sheet of fibrous connective tissue occurring beneath the skin and also enveloping glands, vessels, nerves, and forming muscle and tendon sheaths.


views updated May 29 2018

fascia (archit.) long flat surface or band XVI; (anat.) sheath investing an organ. XVIII. — L. fascia band, fillet, casing of a door, etc., rel. to fascis bundle.

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