Moneypenny, George

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Moneypenny, George (1768–c.1830). Architect who succeeded Blackburn as the leading designer of English prisons. His work was often distinguished, and even, according to a contemporary, ‘terrific’, meaning striking Sublime terror into the beholder. His Sessions House and House of Correction, Knutsford, Ches. (1817–19), was almost as good as anything by Harrison, and his County Gaol, Leicester (1790–2—demolished), had the distinction of incarcerating Moneypenny himself for debt (1792–3), and of being sketched by Schinkel in 1826. He and Ignatius Bonomi completed (1811) the Durham County Courts and Gaol after Sandys's dismissal.


B&R (1993);
Colvin (1995)

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