pel·let / ˈpelit/ • n. a small, rounded, compressed mass of a substance: fish food pellets. ∎ a piece of small shot or other lightweight bullet. ∎ Ornithol. a small mass of bones and feathers regurgitated by a bird of prey or other bird. ∎ a small round piece of animal feces, esp. from a rabbit or rodent.• v. (-let·ed, -let·ing) [tr.] 1. form or shape (a substance, esp. animal food) into pellets.2. hit with or as though with pellets: the last drops of rain were pelleting the windshield.
pellet. Band enriched with a series of closely spaced discs or half-balls found in Romanesque architecture.
pellet small ball; ball of stone used as a missile, cannon-shot, (now) small shot. XIV. ME. pelote, pelet — (O)F. pelote :- Rom. *pilotta, dim. of L. pila ball.