Wells, The Master of

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Wells, The Master of (fl. c.1175–c.1215). The part of Wells Cathedral in Somerset between the west front and the eastern arm (choir) is unusually of a piece and unified in terms of design and style. Unfortunately the identity of the architect is not known, but he was probably English, for his style has no affinities with French Gothic, being horizontally emphasized, the triforium-arcade treated as a long band and the springing of the vaults pushed upwards to just below clearstorey level, quite unlike anything on the Continent. In addition, the First Pointed stiff-leaf capitals are among the finest and most vigorous in England. The architect is called The Master of Wells, perhaps a Master Thomas who worked at Bath Abbey in the late C12.


J. Harvey (1987);
Pevsner (ed.), Buildings of England, North Somerset and Bristol (1958)

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