
views updated May 21 2018

de·cay / diˈkā/ • v. [intr.] (of organic matter) rot or decompose through the action of bacteria and fungi: [as adj.] (decayed) a decayed cabbage leaf | [as adj.] (decaying) the odor of decaying fish. ∎  [tr.] cause to rot or decompose: the fungus will decay soft timber. ∎  (of a building or area) fall into disrepair; deteriorate. ∎  decline in quality, power, or vigor: moral authority was decaying. ∎  Physics (of a radioactive substance, particle, etc.) undergo change to a different form by emitting radiation. ∎ technical (of a physical quantity) undergo a gradual decrease.• n. the state or process of rotting or decomposition. ∎  structural or physical deterioration: the old barn fell into decay. ∎  rotten matter or tissue: fluoride heals small spots of decay. ∎  the process of declining in quality, power, or vigor: moral decay. ∎  Physics the change of a radioactive substance, particle, etc., into another by the emission of radiation. ∎ technical gradual decrease in the magnitude of a physical quantity.ORIGIN: late Middle English: from Old French decair, based on Latin decidere ‘fall down or off,’ from de- ‘from’ + cadere ‘fall.’


views updated May 29 2018

Decay Woof! 1998

Katherine (Davies) is bored by dentist hubby Richard (Brock) and takes up with sleazy nightclub owner Ronnie (Storti), who offers to set up a hit on her spouse. But the hit man turns out to be a serial killer who specializes in strippers and—unbeknownst to his wife—the dentist has mob ties. The plot's actually more convoluted and not worth your time and effort. 86m/C VHS . Tamara Davies, Raymond Storti, Robert Z'Dar, Brian Brock, Ron von Gober; D: Jason Robert Stephens; W: Jason Robert Stephens; C: Dennis Devine; M: Jonathan Price.


views updated May 17 2018

decay XV. — OF. decair, by-form of decaoir, var. of dechaoir, decheoir (mod. déchoir):- Rom. *dēcadere, *dēcadēre, for L. dēcidere, f. DE- 1 + cadere fall.
Hence decay sb. XV.


views updated Jun 11 2018

decay (di-kay) n. (in bacteriology) the decomposition of organic matter due to microbial action.


views updated May 29 2018

decay See decomposition.

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