views updated Jun 08 2018

IDE Abbrev. for interactive development environment.
1. A suite of programs for program or application development with a common user interface, often a graphical user interface, and including software tools for code writing and editing, compilation, execution, and debugging with an easy and consistent way of moving between the various functions.

2. Abbrev. for integrated device electronics. A hard disk drive controller unit that resides on the drive itself, doing away with the need for a separate add-in card. It provides a method of interfacing hard disk drives to PCs using the ISA bus originally developed for the IBM PC AT in 1986. It is a system-level interface in that it makes no assumptions about the disk hardware but accepts a stream of formatted data. IDE disk drives are installed in most home PCs. See also EIDE.


views updated Jun 27 2018

IDE Computing intelligent (or integrated) drive electronics
• Computing interactive development environment


views updated May 23 2018

ide fish allied to the carp. XIX. — modL. idus — SW. id.

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