
views updated May 14 2018

lodg·ing / ˈläjing/ • n. a place in which someone lives or stays temporarily: they found a cheap lodging in a backstreet | a fee for board and lodging. ∎  (lodgings) a room or rooms rented out to someone, usually in the same residence as the owner.


views updated May 21 2018

lodging In plants, a state of permanent displacement of a stem-crop stem from its upright position. This can cause considerable reduction in yield. Normally it is caused by storm damage, but it may be produced by rots, insects, or excess nitrogen.


views updated Jun 11 2018

lodging In plants, a state of permanent displacement of a stem-crop stem from its upright position. This can cause considerable reduction in yield. Normally it is caused by storm damage, but it may be due to rots, insects, or excess nitrogen.

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