ne·go·ti·ate / nəˈgōshēˌāt/ • v. 1. [intr.] try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion with others: his government's willingness to negotiate. ∎ [tr.] obtain or bring about by negotiating: he negotiated a new contract with the sellers.2. [tr.] find a way over or through (an obstacle or difficult path): there was a puddle to be negotiated.3. [tr.] transfer (a check, bill, or other document) to the legal ownership of another person. ∎ convert (a check) into cash.DERIVATIVES: ne·go·ti·ant / -sh(ē)ənt/ n. ( archaic ).ne·go·ti·a·tor / -ˌātər/ n.
To conduct business transactions; to deal with another individual in regard to a purchase and sale; to bargain or trade. To conclude by way of agreement, bargain, or compact. To transfer a negotiable instrument, such as a promissory note, or othercommercial paper.