Amauta, a Quechua word designating an ancient adviser to the Inca nobility; a wise and noble man, interpreter of the firmament and religious issues, keeper of knowledge. In modern Peru, during the Indianist (indigenista) revival of the 1910s and 1920s, the word became a symbol for the group of radical intellectuals, politicians, and artists headed by socialist José Carlos Mariátegui, founder of the journal Amauta. This journal was published in thirty-two issues between September 1926 and September 1930. Contributions by the most important Peruvian progressive figures of the time, including Víctor Raúl Haya De La Torre (until his political break with Mariátegui in 1928), José Sabogal, Jorge Basadre, and Martín Adán, as well as by foreign intellectuals, made Amauta a major source for analysis of Peruvian national problems with an international perspective.
See alsoIndigenismoxml .
Jesús Chavarría, José Carlos Mariá tegui and the Rise of Modern Peru, 1890–1930 (1979).
Additional Bibliography
Veres, Luis. Periodismo y literatura de vanguardia en América Latina: El caso peruano (2003).
Alfonso W. Quiroz