General Elections, 1867-2000: New Brunswick

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Established / Établie 1990 Former Division / Ancienne division: Gloucester

1993—Young, Douglas (L) ................................ 15,681

1997—Godin, Yvon (NDP) .................................. 2,626

2000—Godin, Yvon (NDP) .................................. 3,206


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1903

Later division / Division postérieure: King's and Albert

1867—Wallace, John (L) .......................................... 64

1872—Wallace, John (L) .......................................... 99

1874—Wallace, John (L) .......................................... 50

1878—Rogers, Alex (L) ............................................ 88

1882—Wallace, John (C) .......................................... 61

1887—Weldon, R.C. (C) ......................................... 124

1891—Weldon, R.C. (C) ........................................... 76

1896—Lewis,William J. (L) ..................................... 243

1900—Lewis, William J. (Ind.) ................................ 116

By-election / Élection partielle:

1883 (July/juill. 10)—Wallace, John (C) ............. 119


Established / Établie 1987; Abolished / Abolie 1997

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Westmorland-Kent; Moncton; Northumberland-Miramichi

Renamed / Renommée: Beauséjour-Petitcodiac 1988—Robichaud, Fernand (L) ...................... 12,125

1993—Robichaud, Fernand (L) ...................... 24,113

By-election / Élection partielle:

1990 (Dec./déc. 10)—Chrétien, Jean (L) .......... 4,745


Established / Établie 1997

Former division / Ancienne division: Beauséjour

1997—Vautour, Angela (NDP) ............................ 1,920

2000—Le Blanc, Dominic (L) ............................... 6,834


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1914

Later division / Division postérieure: Victoria–Carleton

1867—Connell, Hon. Charles (L) ......................... Accl.

1872—Connell, Hon. Charles (L) ......................... Accl.

1874—Appleby, Stephen B. (L) .......................... Accl.

1878—Connell, George H. (L) ................................. 319

1882—Irvine, David (L) .......................................... 159

1887—Hale, Frederick H. (C) ............................... 1,119

1891—Colter, Newton Ramsay (L) ......................... 108

1896—Hale, Frederick H. (C) .................................. 406

1900—Hale, Frederick H. (C) .................................. 255

1904—Carvell, Frank Broadstreet (L) ..................... 274

1908—Carvell, Frank Broadstreet (L) ..................... 151

1911—Carvell, Frank Broadstreet (L) ....................... 11

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1881 (Feb./fév. 16)—Irvine, David (L) .................. 45

1882 (Apr./avr. 6)—Colter, Newton Ramsay (L) .. 258


Established / Établie 1966; Abolished / Abolie 1996

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Charlotte; Saint John–Albert; Victoria–Carleton; York–Sunbury

Later division / Division postérieure: Charlotte

1968—Flemming, H. John (PC) ........................ 7,139

1972—McCain, Fred A. (PC) ........................... 6,716

1974—McCain, Fred A. (PC) ........................... 2,634

1979—McCain, Fred A. (PC) ........................... 7,295

1980—McCain, Fred A. (PC) ........................... 3,474

1984—McCain, Fred A. (PC) ......................... 12,112  

1988—Thompson, Greg (PC) ........................... 1,910

1993—Culbert, Harold (L) ................................... 811


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1966

Later division / Division postérieure: Carleton–Charlotte

1867—Bolton, John (C) ....................................... 296

1872—McAdam, John (C) ................................... 222

1874—Gillmor, Arthur Hill, Jr. (L) ..................... 296

1878—Gillmor, Arthur Hill, Jr. (L) ..................... 238

1882—Gillmor, Arthur Hill, Jr. (L) ..................... 314 1887—Gillmor, Arthur Hill, Jr. (L) ............................. 81

1891—Gillmor, Arthur Hill, Jr. (L) ........................... 248

1896—Ganong, Gilbert (L) ...................................... 472

1900—Ganong, C.W. (C) ........................................ 580

1904—Ganong, C.W. (C) ........................................ 254

1908—Todd, William F. (L) .................................... 200

1911—Hartt, Thomas Aaron (C) ............................ 196

1917—Hartt, Thomas Aaron (G) ............................ 617

1921—Grimmer, Robert Watson (C) ....................... 133

1925—Grimmer, Robert Watson (C) .................... 2,152

1926—Grimmer, Robert Watson (C) .................... 1,290

1930—Ganong, Arthur D. (C) .............................. 1,503

1935—Hill, Burton M. (L) .................................... 2,050

1940—Hill, Burton M. (L) .................................... 1,708

1945—Stuart, Andrew Wesley (L) ........................... 30

1949—Stuart, Andrew Wesley (L) ........................... 58

1953—Stuart, Andrew Wesley (L) ......................... 975

1957—Stuart, Andrew Wesley (L) ......................... 637

1958—Stewart, R.D. Caldwell (PC) ......................... 642

1962—McLean, Allan M.A. (L) .............................. 641

1963—McLean, Allan M.A. (L) .............................. 995

1965—McLean, Allan M.A. (L) .............................. 653


Established / Établie 1996; Abolished / Abolie 1998

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Carleton-Charlotte; Fredericton-York-Sunbury; Fundy Royal; Saint John

1997—Thompson, Greg (PC) ........................... 6,174


Established / Établie 1987; Abolished / Abolie 1989

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Fundy-Royal; York-Sunbury

Renamed / Renommée: Fredericton-York-Sunbury (1989)

1988—Bird, J.W. Bud (PC) .............................. 1,555


Established / Établie 1996

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Fredericton-York-Sunbury; Miramichi

1997—Scott, Andy (L) ........................................ 1,417

2000—Scott, Andy (L) ........................................ 3,256


Established / Établie 1989; Abolished / Abolie 1996

Former division / Ancienne division: Fredericton

Later division / Division postérieure: Fredericton

1993—Scott, Andy (L) ........................................ 8,152


Established / Établie 1966

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Royal; Saint John–Albert; York–Sunbury

1968—Fairweather, Gordon (PC) ......................... 7,578

1972—Fairweather, Gordon (PC) ......................... 9,764

1974—Fairweather, Gordon (PC) ......................... 2,786

1979—Corbett, Robert A. (PC) ............................ 4,544

1980—Corbett, Robert A. (PC) ............................ 1,608

1984—Corbett, Robert A. (PC) ........................... 14,539

1988—Corbett, Robert A. (PC) ............................ 4,718

1993—Zed, Paul (L) ............................................. 8,503

1997—Herron, John (PC) .................................... 6,516

2000—Herron, John (PC) .................................... 3,857

By-election / Élection partielle:

1978 (Oct./oct. 16)—Corbett, Bob (PC) ............... 5,086


Established / Établie 1867

Renamed / Renommée: Acadie-Bathurst (1990)

1867—Anglin, Hon. Timothy Warren (L) ............... 390

1872—Anglin, Timothy Warren (L) .................... 1,097

1874—Anglin, Timothy Warren (L) .................... Accl.

1878—Anglin, Hon. Timothy Warren (L) ............ Accl.

1882—Burns, Kennedy F. (C) ................................ 641

1887—Burns, Kennedy F. (C) ................................ 416

1891—Burns, Kennedy F. (C) ................................ 372

1896—Blanchard, T. (C) ......................................... 807

1900—Turgeon, Onésiphore (L) ............................ 996

1904—Turgeon, Onésiphore (L) ......................... 1,166

1908—Turgeon, Onésiphore (L) ............................ 487

1911—Turgeon, Onésiphore (L) ............................ 992

1917—Turgeon, Onésiphore (Opp.) .................... Accl.

1921—Turgeon, Onésiphore (L) ......................... 4,829

1925—Robichaud, Jean George (L) ........................ 982

1926—Veniot, Peter J. (L) .................................... 1,659

1930—Veniot, Hon. Peter J. (L) .............................. 256

1935—Veniot, Hon. Peter J. (L) ........................... 8,854

1940—Veniot, Clarence J. (L) .............................. 5,004

1945—Richard, Clovis-T. (L) ............................... 5,260

1949—Richard, Clovis-T. (L) ............................... 8,368

1953—Robichaud, Hédard-J. (L) ......................... 3,788

1957—Robichaud, Hédard-J. (L) ......................... 3,550

1958—Robichaud, Hédard-J. (L) ......................... 1,407

1962—Robichaud, Hédard-J. (L) ......................... 3,345

1963—Robichaud, Hédard-J. (L) ......................... 7,979

1965—Robichaud, Hédard-J. (L) ......................... 7,770

1968—Breau, Herbert (L) .................................... 3,236

1972—Breau, Herbert (L) .................................... 7,298

1974—Breau, Herbert (L) .................................... 9,624

1979—Breau, Herbert (L) .................................... 4,515

1980—Breau, Herbert (L) ................................... 15,383 1984—Clinch, Roger (PC) .................................... 7,146

1988—Young, Douglas (L) ................................. 3,530

1993—Young, Douglas (L) ................................ 15,681

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1877 (Jul./juill. 2)—Anglin, Timothy Warren (L) .. 327

1894 (May/mai 5)—Blanchard, Théotime (C) ..... 280

1922 (Nov./nov. 20)—Robichaud, J.G. (L).......... Accl.

1926 (Nov./nov. 2)—Veniot, Hon. Peter J. (L) . Accl.

1936 (Aug./août 17)—Veniot, Clarence J. (L) .. Accl.

1952 (May/mai 26)—Robichaud, A.M. (PC) ........ 989


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1966

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Westmorland–Kent; Northumberland–Miramichi

1867—Renaud, Auguste (C) ................................ 119

1872—Cutler, Robert Barry (L) ........................... 125

1874—McLeod, George (L) ................................ 498

1878—Girouard, Gilbert A. (C) ............................. 84

1882—Girouard, Gilbert A. (C) ........................... 639

1887—Landry, Pierre-Armand (C) ...................... 351

1891—Léger, Edouard-H. (C) ............................. 711

1896—McInerney, George Valentine (C) ............ 527

1900—LeBlanc, Oliver J. (L) ............................... 631

1904—LeBlanc, Oliver J. (L) ................................. 99

1908—LeBlanc, Oliver J. (L) ................................... 720

1911—Robidoux, Ferdinand Joseph (C) ................. 205

1917—Léger, Auguste Théophile (Opp.) ............ 2,240

1921—Léger, Auguste Théophile (L) .................. 1,523

1925—Doucet, Alexandre Joseph (C) .................... 893

1926—Bourgeois, Alfred Edmond (L) .................... 626

1930—Arsenault, Télesphore (C) ........................... 380

1935—Robichaud, L.P.A. (L) .............................. 4,911

1940—Léger, Aurel D. (L) ................................... 2,550

1945—Léger, Aurel D. (L) ................................... 3,746

1949—Léger, Aurel D. (L) ................................... 2,670

1953—Michaud, Hervé J. (L) .............................. 3,436

1957—Michaud, Hervé J. (L) .............................. 1,742

1958—Michaud, Hervé J. (L) .............................. 1,130

1962—Crossman, Guy (L) ................................... 1,148

1963—Crossman, Guy (L) ................................... 2,876

1965—Crossman, Guy (L) ................................... 3,407

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1883 (Sept./sept. 22)—Landry, Pierre-Armand (C) ... 538

1890 (Jul./juill. 31)—Léger, Edouard-H. (C) ....... 200

1892 (Dec./déc. 6)—McInerney, G.V. (C) .......... 387

1923 (Dec./déc. 20)—Doucet, Alexandre J. (Ind.) . 208


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1903

Later division / Division postérieure: King's and Albert

1867—Ryan, George (L) ...................................... 220

1872—Domville, James (C) ................................. 463

1874—Domville, James (C) ................................. 262

1878—Domville, James (C) ..................................... 334

1882—Foster, George E. (In.C.) ................................ 71

1887—Foster, Hon. George E. (C) .......................... 475

1891—Foster, George E. (C) ..................................... 73

1896—Domville, James (C) ..................................... 515

1900—Fowler, George W. (C) ................................. 183

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1882 (Nov./nov. 7)—Foster, George E. (C) ......... 282

1885 (Dec./déc. 31)—Foster, George E. (C) ........ 368

King's and Albert

Established / Établie 1903; Abolished / Abolie 1914

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: King's; Albert

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Saint John–Albert; Royal

1904—Fowler, George W. (C) ................................. 359

1908—McAlister, Duncan H. (L) ........................... 354

1911—Fowler, George W. (C) ................................. 332


Established / Établie 1996

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Madawaska-Victoria; Restigouche-Chaleur

1997—Dubé, Jean (PC) ....................................... 5,365

2000—Castonguay, Jeannot (L) .......................... 5,496

Established / Établie 1966; Abolished / Abolie 1996

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Restigouche–Madawaska; Victoria–Carleton

Later division / Division postérieure: Madawaska-Restigouche

1968—Corbin, Eymard G. (L) .................................. 383

1972—Corbin, Eymard G. (L) ............................... 4,282

1974—Corbin, Eymard G. (L) ............................... 7,287

1979—Corbin, Eymard G. (L) ............................... 7,680

1980—Corbin, Eymard G. (L) .............................. 11,211

1984—Valcourt, Bernard (PC) ............................. 3,166

1988—Valcourt, Bernard (PC) ............................. 1,362

1993—Ringuette-Maltais, Pierrette (L) ................ 1,017


Established / Établie 1987; Abolished / Abolie 1996

Former division / Ancienne division: Northumberland-Miramichi

1988—Dionne, Maurice A. (L) ......................... 5,090

1993—Hubbard, Charles (L) ........................... 11,803

1997—Hubbard, Charles (L) ................................ 3,313

2000—Hubbard, Charles (L) ................................ 8,706


Established / Établie 1966

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Westmorland; Saint John–Albert

1968—Thomas, Charles H. (PC) .......................... 2,956

1972—Thomas, Charles H. (PC) .......................... 5,533

1974—Jones, Leonard C. (Ind.) ........................... 4,472

1979—McCauley, Gary (L) .................................. 2,494

1980—McCauley, Gary (L) .................................. 6,088

1984—Cochrane, Dennis (PC) ............................ 15,379

1988—Rideout, George S. (L) .............................. 6,556

1993—Rideout, George S. (L) ............................. 26,403

1997—Bradshaw, Claudette (L) ........................... 8,882


Established / Établie 1998

Former division / Ancienne division: Moncton

2000—Bradshaw, Claudette (L) .......................... 18,415

New Brunswick Southwest/Nouveau-Brunswick–Sud-Ouest

Established / Établie 1998

Former division / Ancienne division: Charlotte

2000—Thompson, Greg (PC) .............................. 6,047


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1955

Later division / Division postérieure: Northumberland–Miramichi

1867—Johnson, John M. (L) .................................. 469

1872—Mitchell, Hon. Peter (C) ........................... Accl.

1874—Mitchell, Hon. Peter (C) .............................. 492

1878—Snowball, Jabez B. (L) ................................. 201

1882—Mitchell, Hon. Peter (L) ............................ Accl.

1887—Mitchell, Hon. Peter (L) ............................... 746

1891—Adams, Michael (C) .................................... 473

1896—Robinson, James (C) ................................... 507

1900—Robinson, James (C) ................................... 499

1904—Loggie, William Stewart (L) ......................... 285

1908—Loggie, William Stewart (L) ......................... 981

1911—Loggie, William Stewart (L) ......................... 392

1917—Loggie, William Stewart (G) ..................... 1,047

1921—Morrissy, John (L) ................................... 1,421

1925—Fish, Charles Elijah (C) ............................. 1,552

1926—Morrissy, Charles Joseph (L) ...................... 514

1930—McDade, George Manning (C) ................. 2,458

1935—Barry, John Patrick (L) .............................. 4,409

1940—O'Brien, Joseph Leonard (NG) ...................... 77

1945—Maloney, John William (L) ....................... 1,082

1949—McWilliam, George Roy (L) ..................... 2,860

1953—McWilliam, George Roy (L) ..................... 5,559

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1868 (Dec./déc. 24)—Hutchison, Richard (L) ......... 239

1878 (Feb./fév. 5)—Mitchell, Peter ...................... Accl.

1896 (Feb./fév. 6)—Robinson, James (C) ................ 453

1924 (Oct./oct. 7)—Snowball, William B. (L) ......... 639


Established / Établie 1955; Abolished / Abolie 1987

Former division / Ancienne division: Northumberland

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Miramichi; Beauséjour

1957—McWilliam, George Roy (L) ................. 1,947

1958—McWilliam, George Roy (L) .................... 949

1962—McWilliam, George Roy (L) ................. 2,879

1963—McWilliam, George Roy (L) ................. 3,843

1965—McWilliam, George Roy (L) ................. 3,035

1968—Smith, G.A. Percy (L) ........................... 2,439

1972—Smith, G.A. Percy (L) ........................... 1,915

1974—Dionne, Maurice A. (L) ......................... 3,987

1979—Dionne, Maurice (L) .............................. 3,426

1980—Dionne, Maurice (L) .............................. 7,282

1984—Jardine, W.R. Bud (PC) ......................... 5,163

Queen's County

Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1892

Later division / Division postérieure: Sunbury–Queen's

1867—Farris, John (L) ....................................... Accl.

1872—Farris, John (L) ....................................... Accl.

1874—Farris, John (L) ......................................... 486

1878—King, George G. (L) ................................. 513

1882—King, George G. (L) ..................................... 198

1887—Baird, George Frederick (C) ........................... 61

1891—King, George G. (L) ....................................... 29

By-election / Élection partielle:

1888 (Jan./janv. 18)—Baird, George Frederick (C) ......... 111


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1914

Later division / Division postérieure: Restigouche–Madawaska

1867—McMillan, Hon. John (C) ............................ 111

1872—Moffatt, George (C) ..................................... 449 1874—Moffatt, George (C) .................................. Accl.

1878—Haddow, George (L) ................................. Accl.

1882—Moffatt, Robert (C) ..................................... 271

1887—Moffatt, Robert (C) ..................................... 127

1891—McAlister, John (C) .................................... 216

1896—McAlister, John (C) ...................................... 44

1900—Reid, James (L) ............................................ 477

1904—Reid, James (L) ............................................ 438

1908—Reid, James (L) ............................................ 133

1911—Reid, James (L) ............................................ 342

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1868 (Mar./mars 13)—Ca1dwell, W.M. (C) .......... 47

1870 (Nov./nov. 29)—Moffatt, George (C) ......... 178

1878 (Jan./janv. 12)—Haddow, George (Ind.) .. Accl.

1887 (May/mai 21)—Moffatt, George (C) ........ Accl.

1888 (May/mai 21)—Moffatt, George, Jr.(C) ...... Accl.


Established / Établie 1966; Abolished / Abolie 1989

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Restigouche–Madawaska; Gloucester

Renamed / Renommée: Restigouche-Chaleur (1989)

1968—Dubé, Jean-Eudes (L) ............................ 2,942

1972—Dubé, Jean-Eudes (L) ............................ 5,952

1974—Dubé, Jean-Eudes (L) ............................ 7,797

1979—Harquail, Maurice (L) ............................ 7,831

1980—Harquail, Maurice (L) .......................... 11,441

1984—Girard, Al (PC) ...................................... 1,839

1988—Arseneault, Guy H. (L) .......................... 2,886

By-election / Élection partielle:

1975 (Oct./oct. 14)—Harquail, Maurice (L) ..... 3,099


Established / Établie 1989; Abolished / Abolie 1996

Former division / Ancienne division: Restigouche

Later division / Division postérieure: Madawaska-Restigouche

Renamed / Renommée: Restigouche-Chaleur (1989)

1993—Arseneault, Guy H. (L) ........................ 15,091


Established / Établie 1914; Abolished / Abolie 1966

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Restigouche; Victoria

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Restigouche; Madawaska–Victoria

1917—Michaud, Pius (Opp.) ............................... 2,806

1921—Michaud, Pius (L) .................................... 5,870

1925—Culligan, Arthur (C) ................................. 1,470

1926—Blanchard, Stanislas (L) ........................... 2,183

1930—Cornier, Maxime-D. (C) ................................ 548

1935—Michaud, Joseph Enoil (L) ....................... 9,517

1940—Michaud, Hon. Joseph Enoil (L) .............. 6,925

1945—Michaud, Benoît (L) ................................. 6,995

1949—Michaud, Benoît (L) ................................. 9,681

1953—Boucher, Joseph-Gaspard (L) .................. 5,542

1957—Van Horne, Joseph Charles (PC) .............. 2,737

1958—Van Horne, Joseph Charles (PC) .............. 4,312

1962—Dubé, Jean-Eudes (L) .................................. 533

1963—Dubé, Jean-Eudes (L) ............................... 4,805

1965—Dubé, Jean-Eudes (L) ............................... 5,048

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1933 (Oct./oct. 23)—Michaud, Joseph Enoil (L) 6,460

1949 (Oct./oct. 24)—Dubé, Paul-Léon (In.Lib.) . 2,930

1955 (Sept./sept. 26)—Van Horne, J.C. (PC)... 2,172

1961 (May/mai 29)—Fournier, Edgar-E. (PC) ... 1,022


Established / Établie 1914; Abolished / Abolie 1966

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: King's and Albert; Sunbury–Queen's

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Fundy–Royal; York–Sunbury

1917—McLean, Hugh Havelock (G) ................ 3,125

1921—Jones, George B. (C) ................................ 117

1925—Jones, George B. (C) ............................. 1,871

1926—Jones, Hon. George B. (C) .................... 1,293

1930—Jones, Hon. George B. (C) .................... 2,924

1935—Brooks, Alfred J. (C) ................................ 145

1940—Brooks, Alfred J. (NG) ............................. 821

1945—Brooks, Alfred J. (PC) ........................... 2,146

1949—Brooks, Alfred J. (PC) ........................... 1,638

1953—Brooks, Alfred J. (PC) ........................... 1,757

1957—Brooks, Alfred J. (PC) ........................... 3,074

1958—Brooks, Alfred J. (PC) ........................... 3,452

1962—Fairweather, Gordon (PC) ..................... 2,391

1963—Fairweather, Gordon (PC) ..................... 2,210

1965—Fairweather, Gordon (PC) ..................... 3,246

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1932 (Jun./juin 27)—Jones, Hon. George B. (C) ... 627

1960 (Oct./oct. 31)—Flemming, Hugh John (PC) .. 1,024

Saint John

Established / Établie 1976

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Saint John–Lancaster; Fundy-Royal

1979—Ferguson, Eric (PC) ..................................... 673

1980—Landers, Mike (L) ........................................ 759

1984—Merrithew, G.S. Gerry (PC) ....................... 8,495

1988—Merrithew, G.S. Gerry (PC) ....................... 1,731

1993—Wayne, Elsie (PC) .................................... 3,388

1997—Wayne, Elsie (PC) ................................... 16,506

2000—Wayne, Elsie (PC) .................................... 7,216

Saint John–Albert

Established / Établie 1914; Abolished / Abolie 1966 Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Saint John City; Saint John City and County; King's and Albert Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Saint John–Lancaster; Fundy–Royal; Moncton; Carleton–Charlotte Note / Note: This constituency returned two members until 1935 (numbers given for previous years are total numbers of votes for each candidate). Deux membres ont été élus dans cette circonscription jusqu'à 1935 (les nombres donnés représentent le total des votes pour chaque candidat).

1917—Wigmore, Hon. Rupert Wilson (G) ..... 13,611

Elkin, Stanley Edward (G) .................. 13,594

1921—Baxter, Hon. J.B.M. (C) ...................... 11,646

MacLaren, Murray (C) ........................ 10,901

1925—MacLaren, Murray (C) ........................ 14,623

Bell, Thomas (C) ................................. 14,250

1926—MacLaren, Murray (C) ........................ 12,441

Bell, Thomas (C) ................................. 12,310

1930—MacLaren, Murray (C) ........................ 16,454

Bell, Thomas (C) ................................. 16,395

1935—Ryan, William Michael (L) ................... 3,482

1940—Hazen, D. King (C) ................................... 913

1945—Hazen, D. King (PC) ............................. 1,957

1949—Riley, Daniel Aloysuis (L) .................... 1,639

1953—Bell, Thomas Miller (PC) ......................... 543

1957—Bell, Thomas Miller (PC) ...................... 2,936

1958—Bell, Thomas Miller (PC) .................... 13,132

1962—Bell, Thomas Miller (PC) ...................... 5,796

1963—Bell, Thomas Miller (PC) ...................... 4,915

1965—Bell, Thomas Miller (PC) ...................... 6,300

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1920 (Sept./sept. 20)—Wigmore, Hon. R. (NLC) .. 4,155

1930 (Aug./août 25)—MacLaren, Hon. M. (C) ... Accl.

1938 (Feb./fév. 21)—McAvity, A.G.l (L) .......... Accl.

Saint John City

Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1914 Later division / Division postérieure: Saint John–Albert

1867—Tilley, Hon. Samuel Leonard (C) ............. 792

1872—Tilley, Hon. Samuel Leonard (C) ................. 540

1874—DeVeber, Jeremiah Smith Boies (L) .......... 1,181

1878—Tilley, Hon. Samuel Leonard (C) ..................... 9

1882—Tilley, Hon. Samuel Leonard (C) ................. 137

1887—Ellis, John V. (L) .......................................... 213

1891—McLeod, Ezekiel (C) .................................... 586

1896—Ellis, John V. (L) .......................................... 722

1900—Blair, Hon. Andrew George (L) .................... 997

1904—Daniel, John W. (C) .................................. 1,211

1908—Daniel, John W. (C) ..................................... 192

1911—Pugsley, Hon. William (L) ............................. 65

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1873 (Dec./déc. 1)—De Veber, J.S.B. (L) ............. Accl.

1878 (Oct./oct. 4)—Tilley, Hon. S.L. (C) .............. Accl.

1885 (Nov./nov. 24)—Barker, F.E. (C) ..................... 112

1904 (Feb./fév. 16)—Daniel, John W. (C) ............... 269

Saint John City and County

Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1914 Later division / Division postérieure: Saint John–Albert Note / Note: This constituency returned two members from 1872 until 1896 (numbers given are total numbers of votes for each candidate). Deux membres ont été élus dans cette circonscription entre 1872 et 1896 (les nombres donnés représentent le total des votes pour chaque candidat).

1867—Grey, Hon. John W. (C) ......................... Accl.

1872—Burpee, Isaac (L) ................................... 3,249

Palmer, Acalus Lockwood (C) .............. 2,204

1874—Burpee, Isaac (L) ................................... 2,826

Palmer, Acalus Lockwood (C) .............. 2,261

1878—Burpee, Isaac (L) ................................... 2,686

Weldon, Charles W. (L) ........................ 2,449

1882—Burpee, Isaac (L) ................................... 2,459

Weldon, Charles W. (L) ........................ 2,225

1887—Skinner, C.N. (L) ................................... 4,136

Weldon, Charles W. (L) ........................ 4,063

1891—Hazen, J.D. (C) ...................................... 4,824

Skinner, C.N. (C) ................................... 4,448

1896—Tucker, Joseph John (L) ........................... 191

1900—Tucker, Joseph John (L) ........................... 776

1904—Stockton, Alfred A. (C) ............................ 637

1908—Pugsley, Hon. William (L) ....................... 496

1911—Daniel, John Waterhouse (C) ................... 110

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1873 (Dec./déc. 1)—Burpee, Isaac (L) .............. Accl.

1885 (Oct./oct. 20)—Everett, Charles Arthur (C) Accl.

1892 (Nov./nov. 22)—Chesley, John (C) ............. 243

1907 (Sept./sept. 18)—Pugsley, Hon. William (L) ... Accl.

1911 (Oct./oct. 27)—Hazen, Hon. J.D. (C) ........ Accl.

Saint John–Lancaster

Established / Établie 1966; Abolished / Abolie 1976 Former division / Ancienne division: Saint John–Albert Later division / Division postérieure: Saint John

1968—Bell, Thomas M. (PC) ............................... 3,596

1972—Bell, Thomas M. (PC) ............................... 3,567

1974—Landers, Mike (L) ..................................... 1,441

Sunbury County

Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1892 Later division / Division postérieure: Sunbury–Queen's

1867—Burpee, Charles (L) ..................................... 239

1872—Burpee, Charles (L) .................................. Accl.

1874—Burpee, Charles (L) ....................................... 51

1878—Burpee, Charles (L) ....................................... 41

1882—Burpee, Charles (L) ....................................... 81

1887—Wilmot, Robert Duncan, Jr. (C) ..................... 33

1891—Wilmot, Robert Duncan, Jr. (C) ................... 285

Sunbury and Queen's

Established / Établie 1892; Abolished / Abolie 1914 Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Queen's; Sunbury

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: York–Sunbury; Royal

1896—King, George G. (L) ..................................... 179

1900—Wilmot, Robert D. (C) ................................. 275

1904—Wilmot, Robert D. (C) ................................. 118

1908—McLean, Hugh Havelock (L) ......................... 52

1911—McLean, Hugh Havelock (L) ......................... 10

By-election / Élection partielle:

1896 (Aug./août 25)—Blair, Hon. A.G. (L) ........ 624


Established / Établie 1996

Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Carleton-Charlotte; Fredericton-York-Sunbury; Madawaska-Victoria; Miramichi

1997—Bernier, Gilles (PC) ................................... 1,923

2000—Savoy, Andy (L) ......................................... 147


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1914 Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Victoria–Carleton; Restigouche–Madawaska

1867—Costigan, John (C) .................................... 229

1872—Costigan, John (C) .................................... 862

1874—Costigan, John (C) .................................... 439

1878—Costigan, John (C) .................................... 463

1882—Costigan, Hon. John (C) ......................... Accl.

1887—Costigan, Hon. John (C) .............................. 308

1891—Costigan, Hon. John (C) .............................. 695

1896—Costigan, Hon. John (C) .............................. 546

1900—Costigan, Hon. John (L) ........................... Accl.

1904—Costigan, Hon. John (L) ........................... 1,188

1908—Michaud, Pius (L) .................................... 1,883

1911—Michaud, Pius (L) .................................... 1,948

By-election / Élection partielle:

1907 (Mar./mars 5)—Michaud, Pius (L) .............. Accl.


Established / Établie 1914; Abolished / Abolie 1966 Former division / Ancienne division: Carleton–Victoria Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Carleton–Charlotte; Madawaska–Victoria

1917—Carvell, Hon. Frank Broadstreet (G) ...... Accl.

1921—Caldwell, Thomas Wakem (Pr.) ............ 1,052

1925—Fleming, James Kidd (C) ....................... 1,901

1926—Fleming, James Kidd (C) ....................... 1,101

1930—Smith, Benjamin Franklin (C) ............... 2,852

1935—Patterson, J.E. Jack (L) .......................... 1,095

1940—Hatfield, Heber Harold (NG) .................... 691

1945—Hatfield, Heber Harold (PC) ................. 2,233

1949—Hatfield, Heber Harold (PC) ................. 1,890

1953—Montgomery, Gage W. (PC) .................... 636

1957—Montgomery, Gage W. (PC) ................. 3,628

1958—Montgomery, Gage W. (PC) ................. 4,209

1962—Flemming, Hugh John (PC) ...................... 4,204

1963—Flemming, Hugh John (PC) ...................... 4,039

1965—Flemming, Hon. Hugh John (PC) .............. 3,074

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1919 (Oct./oct. 17)—Caldwell, T.W. (UF) ....... 3,544

1927 (Jun./juin 16)—Foster, A.R. (L) ............... Accl.

1952 (May/mai 26)—Montgomery, G.W. (PC) .. 2,300


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1966 Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Moncton; Westmorland–Kent

1867—Smith, Hon. Albert James (L) ............... 1,753

1872—Smith, Hon. Albert James (L) ................ Accl.

1874—Smith, Hon. Albert James (L) ................ Accl.

1878—Smith, Sir Albert James (L) ..................... 644

1882—Wood, Josiah (C) ...................................... 432

1887—Wood, Josiah (C) ...................................... 542

1891—Wood, Josiah (C) ................................... 2,148

1896—Powell, Henry A. (C) .................................. 15

1900—Emmerson, Henry R. (L) .......................... 486

1904—Emmerson, Henry R. (L) .......................... 946

1908—Emmerson, Hon. Henry R. (L) .............. 1,385

1911—Emmerson, Henry R. (L) ............................ 64

1917—Copp, Arthur Bliss (Opp.) ..................... 1,683

1921—Copp, Arthur Bliss (L) .............................. 7,762

1925—Price, Otto Baird (C) ................................. 4,026

1926—Price, Otto Baird (C) .................................... 533

1930—Price, Otto Baird (C) ................................. 2,468

1935—Emmerson, Henry Read (L) ...................... 9,965

1940—Emmerson, Henry Read (L) ...................... 6,172

1945—Emmerson, Henry Read (L) ...................... 5,639 1949—George, Edmund William (L) .................... 8,953

1953—Murphy, Henry Joseph (L) ...................... 5,372

1957—Murphy, Henry Joseph (L) ...................... 3,395

1958—Creaghan, William L.M. (PC) .................... 1,552

1962—Rideout, Sherwood H. (L) ........................... 516

1963—Rideout, Sherwood H. (L) ........................ 3,633

1965—Rideout, Margaret (L) .............................. 5,678

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1873 (Nov./nov. 28)—Smith, Albert James (L) ....... Accl.

1895 (Aug./août 24)—Powell, Henry A. (C) ........... 764

1904 (Jan./janv. 30)—Emmerson, Hon. H.R. (L) ..... Accl.

1915 (Feb./fév. 1)—Copp, Arthur Bliss (L) .......... Accl.

1922 (Jan./janv. 19)—Copp, Hon. Arthur Bliss (L) .... Accl.

1964 (Nov./nov. 9)—Rideout, Margaret (L) ......... 6,311


Established / Établie 1966; Abolished / Abolie 1987 Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: Westmorland; Kent Later division / Division postérieure: Beauséjour

1968—Crossman, Guy (L) ................................ 3,254

1972—LeBlanc, Roméo-Adrien (L) ................. 6,640

1974—LeBlanc, Roméo-Adrien (L) ................. 9,850

1979—LeBlanc, Roméo-Adrien (L) ............... 13,111

1980—LeBlanc, Roméo-Adrien (L) ............... 16,286

1984—Robichaud, Fernand (L) ........................ 1,338


Established / Établie 1867; Abolished / Abolie 1914 Later division / Division postérieure: York–Sunbury

1867—Fisher, Hon. Charles (L) ......................... Accl.

1872—Pickard, John (L) .................................... Accl.

1874—Pickard, John (L) .................................... Accl.

1878—Pickard, John (L) ...................................... 656

1882—Pickard, John (L) ...................................... 917

1887—Temple, Thomas (C) ................................. 404

1891—Temple, Thomas (C) ................................. 227

1896—Foster, Hon. George E. (C) .................... 1,542

1900—Gibson, Alexander, Jr. (L) .......................... 76

1904—Crocket, Oswald S. (C) ............................. 162

1908—Crocket, Oswald S. (C) ............................. 869

1911—Crocket, Oswald S. (C) .......................... 1,669

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1868 (Oct./oct. 8)—Pickard, John (L) ................ Accl.

1884 (Jun./juin 29)—Temple, Thomas (C) .......... 178

1901 (Dec./déc. 28)—Gibson, Alexander, Jr. (L) ....... 824

1913 (Dec./déc. 31)—McLeod, Harvey F. (C) ...... Accl


Established / Établie 1914; Abolished / Abolie 1987 Former divisions / Anciennes divisions: York; Sunbury–Queen's

Later divisions / Divisions postérieures: Fredericton; Carleton-Charlotte; Miramichi

1917—McLeod, Harry Fulton (G) ........................ 3,864

1921—Hanson, Richard B. (C) ............................... 866

1925—Hanson, Richard B. (C) ............................ 5,429

1926—Hanson, Richard B. (C) ............................ 3,992

1930—Hanson, Richard B. (C) ............................ 5,614

1935—Clark, W.G. (L) ............................................. 254

1940—Hanson, Hon. Richard B. (NG) .................... 444

1945—Bridges, H. Francis G. (L) ............................ 875

1949—Gregg, Hon. Milton Fowler (L) ................. 1,031

1953—Gregg, Hon. Milton Fowler (L) ................. 2,433

1957—MacRae, J. Chester (PC) .............................. 338

1958—MacRae, J. Chester (PC) ........................... 2,825

1962—MacRae, J. Chester (PC) ........................... 1,794

1963—MacRae, J. Chester (PC) ........................... 1,149

1965—MacRae, J. Chester (PC) .............................. 904

1968—MacRae, J. Chester (PC) ........................... 4,411

1972—Howie, J. Robert (PC) ............................... 6,027

1974—Howie, J. Robert (PC) ............................... 3,520

1979—Howie, J. Robert (PC) ............................... 9,907

1980—Howie, J. Robert (PC) ............................... 4,108

1984—Howie, J. Robert (PC) .............................. 15,317

By-elections / Élections partielles:

1921 (May/mai 28)—Hanson, Richard B. (C) ..... 947

1947 (Oct./oct. 25)—Gregg, Hon. M.F. (L) ...... 4,117

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