douche / doōsh/ • n. a shower of water: a daily douche. ∎ a jet of liquid applied to part of the body for cleansing or medicinal purposes. ∎ a device for washing out the vagina as a contraceptive measure.• v. [tr.] spray or shower with water. ∎ [intr.] use a douche as a method of contraception.
douche A douche is a stream of water or other liquid directed at the body or into one of its orifices; in French it is simply a shower. Douching in English usage usually refers to washing out the vagina, both for hygienic purposes, especially when there is an infection, and after sexual intercourse, although the procedure has little contraceptive effect. The use of chemical substances such as deodorants or detergents can cause local irritation, and the use of excessive pressure can force liquid, contaminated with vaginal organisms, into the uterus and Fallopian tubes and hence into the peritoneal cavity, where damage and infection can result. Excessive douching, which removes the vagina's normal, beneficial microorganisms, can also be dangerous.
The term has also been applied to washing out the rectum or colon — by enema or colonic irrigation.
The term has also been applied to washing out the rectum or colon — by enema or colonic irrigation.
E. M. Tansey
douche stream of water applied to the body. XVIII. — F. — It. doccia conduit pipe, f. docciare pour by drops :- Rom. *ductiare, f. ductus DUCT.
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