
views updated May 17 2018

lam1 / lam/ • v. (lammed, lam·ming) [tr.] inf. hit (someone) hard: I'll come over and lam you in the mouth in a minute. ∎  [intr.] (lam into) attack: they surged up and down in their riot gear, lamming into anyone in their path.lam2 inf. • n. (in phrase on the lam) in flight, esp. from the police: he went on the lam and is living under a false name.• v. (lammed , lam·ming ) [intr.] escape; flee.


views updated May 11 2018


A mystical word in Hindu yoga practice that is associated with the Muladhara chakra, or subtle energy center situated at the base of the human spine. Each chakra has its characteristic shape, colors, symbolic figure, and mantra (mystical sounds formed by combinations of letters). "Lam" is a bija, or seed, mantra a special form of natural power that can be liberated by meditation.

(See also kundalini )


views updated Jun 11 2018

lam beat soundly. XVI. perh. of Scand. orig. (cf. ON. lemja beat so as to cripple, LAME).
Hence synon. lambaste XVII.

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