
© Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes 2007, originally published by Oxford University Press 2007.

Oxford Dictionary of Rhymes Oxford University Press


Kintyreacquire, admire, afire, applier, aspire, attire, ayah, backfire, barbwire, bemire, briar, buyer, byre, choir, conspire, crier, cryer, defier, denier, desire, dire, drier, dryer, dyer, enquire, entire, esquire, expire, fire, flyer, friar, fryer, Gaia, gyre, hellfire, hire, hiya, ire, Isaiah, jambalaya, Jeremiah, Josiah, Kintyre, latria, liar, lyre, Maia, Maya, Mayer, messiah, mire, misfire, Nehemiah, Obadiah, papaya, pariah, peripeteia, perspire, playa, Praia, prior, pyre, quire, replier, scryer, shire, shyer, sire, skyer, Sophia, spire, squire, supplier, Surabaya, suspire, tier, tire, transpire, trier, tumble-dryer, tyre, Uriah, via, wire, Zechariah, Zedekiah, Zephaniah•homebuyer


Copyright The Columbia University Press

The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. The Columbia University Press


Kintyre (kĬntīr´), peninsula, 42 mi (68 km) long and 10 mi (16 km) wide, Argyll and Bute, W Scotland, joined to the mainland at the isthmus of Tarbert between East Loch Tarbert and West Loch Tarbert. The Mull of Kintyre, at the southwestern tip, is 13 mi (21 km) from Ireland. The terrain is hilly and uncultivated. Campbeltown is the main town.


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