Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Transcripts, and Maps
- Reproductive Technologies: IV. Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Reproductive Technologies: IX. In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer
- Reproductive Technologies: V. Gamete Donation
- Reproductive Technologies: VI. Contract Pregnancy
- Reproductive Technologies: VII. Sperm, Ova, and Embryos
- Reproductive Technologies: VIII. Ethical Issues
- Reproductive Toxicant
- Reproductive Toxicant
- Reptiles
- Reptiles
- Res Bureaux Bulletin
- Reschith Hajalalim
- Rescue Circles
- Research Ethics Committees
- Research Ethics: Overview
- Research Institute for Psi and Psychics
- Research Institute for Supersensonic Healing Energies (RISHE)
- Research Integrity
- Research Methodology
- Research Methodology: I. Conceptual Issues