Encyclopedias, Almanacs, Transcripts, and Maps
- René Frédéric Thom
- René Geronimo Favaloro
- René Just Haüy
- René Laënnec Revolutionizes the Diagnosis of Chest Diseases with His Invention of the Stethoscope
- René-Just Haüy
- René-Louis Baire
- René-Robert Cavelier, sieur de La Salle
- René-Théophile-Hyacinthe Laënnec
- Renier, Noreen
- Renormalization
- Renpenning syndrome
- Renpenning Syndrome
- Repetitive Motion Disorders
- Reproductive Immunology
- Reproductive System
- Reproductive System
- Reproductive Technologies
- Reproductive Technologies: I. Introduction
- Reproductive Technologies: II. Sex Selection
- Reproductive Technologies: III. Fertility Drugs