Hand of Fatima

views updated Jun 27 2018


A folk motif.

European name for the khamsa (from Arabic, "five"), the hand with five fingers extended. It can be found today throughout the Middle East in women's jewelry, flat-weaving, embroidery, door-knockers, automobile ornamentation, and so on. Precursors include the Punic "Hand of Baal" and the Roman V-shaped amulets (possibly representing the Roman numeral five), all for protection from the evil eye.

laurence michalak

Hand of Fāṭima

views updated Jun 27 2018

Hand of Fāṭima (Arab., yad Fāṭima, also known as al-kaff, ‘the palm’). Decorated hand or palm, common in Islam as a charm. It has no connection with Fāṭima, the daughter of Muḥammad.

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