Last Supper
Last Supper (Lord's Supper) Final meal shared by Jesus Christ and his disciples in Jerusalem during or just before Passover, in the course of which Jesus instituted the Christian Eucharist. According to the gospels of St Matthew, St Mark, and St Luke, Jesus warned the disciples of his imminent betrayal and blessed and shared bread and wine among them, telling them that these were his body and blood of the Covenant.
Last Supper
Last Sup·per the supper eaten by Jesus and his disciples on the night before the Crucifixion, as recorded in the New Testament and commemorated by Christians in the Eucharist. ∎ an artistic representation based on this event.
Last Supper
Last Supper. The final meal of Jesus with his disciples before his death. In the Synoptic gospels (Mark 14. 12–26 etc.) it is described as a Passover meal. John 13. 1–11 mentions only a supper at which Jesus washed his disciples' feet, and places the crucifixion before the time of the Passover meal, which has the effect of relating the death of Jesus to the slaughter of the lambs for Passover.