Dominic of Silos, St.

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One of four famous 11th-century Benedictine abbots in Castile; b. Cañas, Navarre (now Rioja), c. 1000; d. Silos, c. 1076, in the monastery that he refounded in 1041. He left San Millán de la Cogolla in Navarre because of difficulties with King Garcia I. His monastic revival at Silos preserved the Visigothic script and elements of the mozarabic rite, before the Roman liturgy was imposed in Castile in 1081. His cult began in 1076 and spread widely. Reports of captives miraculously redeemed from Muslim hands in the 13th century through his aid are fantastic. Biographies, beginning in 1653, are restatements of a vita attributed to a Grimaldus, c. 1088, published in 1736, and of the vernacular verse of Gonzalo de Berceo, c. 1225 (ed. A. Andres, Madrid 1958).

Feast: Dec. 20.

Bibliography: l. serrano, El real monasterio de Santo Domingo de Silos (Burgos 1926); El obispado de Burgos, 3 v. (Madrid 1935). j. del alamo, Vida histórico-crítica del taumaturgo (Madrid 1953). p. c. gutiÉrrez, Vida y milagros de Santo Domingo de Silos (3d. ed. Silos 1973). a. gutiÉrrez bernardo, Santo Domingo de Silos (Madrid 1973). r. alcocer, Santo Domingo de Silos (2d ed. Burgos 1974). grimaldo, La "Vita Dominici Siliensis" de Grimaldo, ed. and tr. v. valcÁrcel (Logroño 1982). e. santos elola, Domingo de Silos (Almeria, Spain 1991).

[e. p. colbert]

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Dominic of Silos, St.

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