Emőd, Tamas
EMŐD, TAMAS (Ernő Fleischer ; 1888–1938), Hungarian poet. Emőd was born at Berekböszörmény and graduated in law at Oradea (then Nagyvárad) Law Faculty. He worked as a journalist but mainly devoted himself to literature. Emőd's first poems, influenced by the great Hungarian poet E. Ady, appeared in the avantgarde anthology Holnap ("Tomorrow"). The poems he wrote during World War i were particularly wellknown. Emőd chose Jewish subjects for a number of his works, including Temetés ("Funeral"), Falusi zsidó ("The Village Jew"), and Vox Humana. Of his plays, the most important are A vándor katona ("The Wandering Soldier"), written in collaboration with F. Karinthy, and Ferenc Jóska ládájából ("From Ferenc Jóska's Box"). Emőd was one of the originators of the chanson, which was at one time a feature of Hungarian literary cabarets.
Magyar Irodalmi Lexikon, 1 (1963), 290.
[Baruch Yaron]