Glotz, Gustave

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GLOTZ, GUSTAVE (1862–1935), French historian. He was born at Haguenau and taught at the lycée in Nancy (1886–92), and Paris (1892–1907). In 1907 he became professor of Greek history at the Sorbonne. In 1920 he became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, and in 1928 president of the Institut de France. Well known as a French patriot and as a fine scholar and a popular teacher, he was honored at his Sorbonne jubilee in 1932, when the Mélanges Gustave Glotz (2 vols., including bibliography) was presented to him. His work is notable for its special study of ancient Greek social and economic life. He directed the publication of the Histoire générale, in which the first three volumes of the Histoire grecque (1925–36) are his work in collaboration with Robert Cohen. He contributed to the Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines. His other works include Etudes sociales et juridiques sur l'antiquité grecque (1906), Le travail dans la Grèce ancienne (1920; Eng. 1926), La civilisation égéenne (1923, Eng. 1925), and La cité grecque (1928; Eng. 1929). He was an editor of the Revue des Etudes Grecques.

[Irwin L. Merker]

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