Lippmann, Eduard

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Lippmann, Eduard (1842–1919), Austrian organic chemist. Born in Prague, Lippmann worked for a time with the French chemist, Charles Wurtz in Paris, and in 1868 became an instructor at the University of Vienna. In 1873 he went to teach at the Technische Hochschule at Brno, Moravia, but returned to Vienna in 1875 to become professor of chemistry at the university. In 1877 he was appointed professor of analytical chemistry at the Handelsakademie and from 1881 held the same position at the Technische Hochschule. Lippmann developed in 1886 what became the standard technique for determining carbon and hydrogen in organic compounds. Among the subjects dealt with in his numerous publications were benzyl alcohol, diethyltoluene, azobenzenes, anthracene, and alkaloids.


J.C. Poggendorff, Biographisch-literarisches Handwoerterbuch…, 4 (1904), s.v.; 5 (1926), s.v.

[Samuel Aaron Miller]

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