alarm response
alarm response An immediate response to any stimulus that potentially threatens the wellbeing of an organism. It involves the release of adrenaline and noradrenaline from the adrenal glands, triggered by increased sympathetic nervous activity. These hormones enhance the effects of the sympathetic nervous system (e.g. by increasing heart and breathing rates) and promote glycogen breakdown, which supplies large amounts of glucose for increased respiration and energy release. Compare resistance response.
alarm response
alarm response Signals emitted by an animal that serve to warn others of a danger the individual has perceived. The signals may be visual (e.g. the white tail of a rabbit, displayed when running), aural (e.g. the call of a member of a flock of ground-feeding birds), or olfactory (substances emitted by some fish and invertebrates).
alarm response
alarm response Signals emitted by an animal that serve to warn others of a danger the individual has perceived. The signals may be visual (e.g. the white tail of a rabbit, displayed when running), aural (e.g. the call of a member of a flock of ground-feeding birds), or olfactory (substances emitted by some fish and invertebrates).