Fraser-Harris, David (Fraser) (1867-1937)
Fraser-Harris, David (Fraser) (1867-1937)
Professor of physiology and histology who also took an active interest in psychical research. Born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in February 1867, Fraser-Harris had a distinguished career in Scotland, Birmingham, and later in Nova Scotia.
His first experiences in psychical research were at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research, founded by Harry Price, in May 1931 while investigating the claimed materialization phenomena of Helen Duncan. Following this he attended seances with the medium Rudi Schneider from February to May 1932 and testified (Hibbert Journal, October 1932) to Schneider's genuine telekinetic powers. He suggested the term teledynamist for physical mediums.
In addition to his books on medical and technical subjects, Fraser-Harris published Sixth Sense (1928) and The Rhythms of Life (1929). He contributed articles to the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research and occasionally lectured at the British College of Psychic Science. He died January 3, 1937.
Fraser-Harris, David. The Great Design: Order and Progress in Nature. New York: Macmillan, 1934.