Royal Priest Research

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Royal Priest Research

Royal Priest Research is an Arizona-based company that facilitates the channeling work of Lyssa Royal, one of the more prominent New Age channels to arise in the 1980s. During her college years in the later 1970s, Royal studied self-hypnosis and learned to enter altered states of consciousness for purposes of stress management. In the early 1980s, having completed her degree in psychology, she had a dream in which she was told that she would become a channel. She developed her skills over the next few years and began channeling professionally in 1985. She was one of the first and most successful of the New Age channels to rely primarily on information claimed to be from extraterrestrial sources.

Priest's early work focused on the contactee and abductee phenomena and resulted in three books, The Prism of Lyra (1989), Visitors from Within? (1992), and Preparing for Contact: A Metamorphosis of Consciousness (1993), all written with Keith Priest, a musician, alternative health therapist, and independent researcher who works with Royal. These books explored the possibilities of human contact with space visitors through telepathic means and were among the first to suggest that the abduction experience was not necessarily negative, but could be used for personal and planetary evolution. Through the 1990s, Royal has become identified with the post-New Age channels operating out of Sedona, Arizona, and her work has frequently appeared in Sedona Journal of Emergence. Also working with Royal Priest Research is Ron Holt, Lyssa's husband, who has been a leader in the Flower of Life organization headed by Drunvalo Melchizedek.

During the 1990s, Royal and Priest have continued to produce books based upon her channeling work. In 1997 Royal released a book, Millennium, in preparation for the changes she saw coming as the new century began. She offered a more mundane view of the changing times, noting that the millennium was a manmade marker that designates the collective recognition of a milestone in human life. However, she also believes in the post-New Age vision of coming human transformation. She views this as a movement from the third density state to the fourth density state. In the new state, humans will have a higher vibratory rate, will radiate more light, and the illusion of separation from the Divine will come to an end.

Royal Priest Research can be reached at P.O. Box 30973, Phoenix, AZ 85046. It has a website at Royal's books have now been translated into a number of languages.


Royal, Lyssa. Millennium. Phoenix: Royal Priest Research, 1997.

Royal, Lyssa, and Keith Priest. Preparing for Contact: A Metamorphosis of Consciousness. Phoenix: Royal Priest Research, 1993.

. The Prism of Lyra: An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage. Phoenix: Royal Priest Research, 1989.

. Visitors from Within? Phoenix: Royal Priest Research, 1992.

Royal Priest Research. June 10, 2000.

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