Seven Principles (in Theosophy)

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Seven Principles (in Theosophy)

According to the teachings of Theosophy (derived from Hinduism), there are seven principles or parts of the human being that reflect cosmic principles. These concern the evolution of life from the unmanifest principles through creation. The seven principles of the human being are: Atman (the universal self), Buddhi (the intellectual principle), Manas (the mental principle), Kama (desire), Prana (subtle vitality), Linga-sarira (astral body), and Sthula-sarira (gross physical matter).

For convenience, these are sometimes simplified into three principles of the human being: spirit, soul, and body, as in Christianity. These three parts are first and highest, the Divine Spirit or the Divine Monad, rooted in the universe, whose spirit is linked with the All, being in a mystical sense a ray of the All; second, the intermediate part of Spiritual Monad, which in its higher and lower aspects is the spiritual and human soul; third, the lowest part of the human constitution, the vitalastralphysical part, composed of material or quasi-material life atoms.

(See also Logos ; Planetary Logos ; Rupa )


Besant, Annie. The Seven Principles of Man. 1892. Reprint, New York: London & Bernes; Theosophical Publishing Society, 1904.

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