World Goodwill

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World Goodwill

An organization founded in 1932 to apply the teachings of former Theosophist Alice A. Bailey (1880-1949) in the social context, specifically to improve human relations in the world. Bailey founded the Arcane School to propagate the theosophical teachings that came through her channelings from the Tibetan Master. World Goodwill extends the work of the Arcane School by mobilizing the constructive power of goodwill in society to dealing with problems throughout the world.

The organization supports the work of the United Nations and is recognized as an accredited nongovernmental organization. As such, it provides advice and assistance to individuals and groups concerned with world service projects. One of its activities has been the formation of triangles, a linkage of individuals who employ constructive thought in a daily meditation of groups of three, invoking "the energies of light and goodwill" in a "network of light."

The energies are visualized as circulating through three points of a triangle, connecting with other triangles. This network carries the "great invocation" or universal prayer, forming "a channel for the downpouring of light and love into the body of humanity."

World Goodwill is associated with Lucis Trust, which is located at 120 Wall St., 24th Fl., New York, NY 10005. It also has subsidiary offices at 3 Whitehall Ct., Ste. 54, London SW1A 2EF, England, and also in Geneva. Website:


Sinclair, John E. The Alice Bailey Inheritance. Wellingbo-rough, England: Turnstone Press, 1984.

World Goodwill. March 8, 2000.

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