
views updated May 09 2018

re·move / riˈmoōv/ • v. [tr.] take away (something unwanted or unnecessary) from the position it occupies: she sat down to remove her makeup. ∎  take (something) from a place in order to take it to another location: customs officials also removed documents from the premises. ∎  eliminate or get rid of (someone or something): iron is sometimes found in water as ferric hydroxide, which can be removed by filtration. ∎  take off (clothing): he sat down on the ground and quickly removed his shoes and socks. ∎  abolish: the return to real prices as subsidies are removed. ∎  dismiss from a job or office: a judge was removed from office in 1988 for a number of lapses from proper judicial standards. ∎  [intr.] (remove to) dated change one's home or place of residence by moving to (another place or area): he removed to Mexico and began afresh. ∎  (be removed) be very different from: an explanation that is far removed from the truth. ∎  [as adj.] (removed) separated by a particular number of steps of descent: his second cousin once removed.• n. a degree of remoteness or separation: at this remove, the whole incident seems insane.DERIVATIVES: re·mov·a·bil·i·ty / riˌmoōvəˈbilətē/·mov·a·ble·mov·er n.


views updated May 18 2018

remove move from the place occupied. XIV. ME. remeve, remove — OF. remeuv- and remov-, str. and unstr. stems respectively of removeir (mod. remouvoir):- L. removēre; see RE-, MOVE.
Hence removal (-AL2) XVI. remove sb. removing, removal XVI; promotion at school from one division or class to another, (hence) title of a class or form XVIII.


views updated May 14 2018

remove Obsolete term for the main course of dinner.

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