Cameron, Eleanor (1912–1996)

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Cameron, Eleanor (1912–1996)

Canadian-born children's writer. Born Eleanor Frances Butler, Mar 23, 1912, in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; died Oct 11, 1996, in Monterey, California; dau. of Henry and Florence (Vaughan) Butler; attended University of California at Los Angeles; m. Ian Stuart Cameron, 1934; children: David Gordon Cameron.

Best known for The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet (1954) and the "Julia Redfern" series, also wrote The Terrible Churnadryne (1959), Time and Mr. Bass (1967), A Room Made of Windows (1971), Court of the Stone Children (1973), and The Curse of Casa del Monte (1975), among others; wrote collection of essays on children's literature, The Green and Burning Tree (1969).

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