Perry, Frances (1907–1993)

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Perry, Frances (1907–1993)

English horticulturist. Name variations: Frances Mary Perry. Born Frances Mary Everett, Feb 19, 1907; died Oct 11, 1993; m. Gerald Perry (fern specialist), 1930 (died 1964); Robert Hay, 1977 (died 1989).

The 1st woman council member of Royal Horticultural Society (1968), was elected its vice president (1978); appeared on early gardening tv programs; visited more than 70 countries, often as a horticulture lecturer; served as a horticultural adviser (1943) and as a chief educational adviser (1951–53) to Middlesex Co. Council; was the principal of Norwood Hall College of Horticulture and Agricultural Education (1953–67); writings include Water Gardening (1938), Herbaceous Borders (1949), The Collins Guide to Border Plants (1957); was also a gardening correspondent to the Observer for 26 years. Made a Member of the Order of the British Empire (1962); received Royal Horticultural Society's Veitch Memorial Medal (1964) and Victoria Medal of Honor (1971).

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