Van Upp, Virginia (1902–1970)

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Van Upp, Virginia (1902–1970)

American screenwriter and producer. Born Jan 13, 1902, in Chicago, IL; died Mar 25, 1970, in Los Angeles, CA.

Began career as a child actress in early silent films, then became script girl, cutter, reader and casting director for Paramount; named executive producer at Columbia, a protégée of Harry Cohn (1945); screenplays include The Pursuit of Happiness, So Red the Rose, Poppy, Easy to Take, Swing High Swing Low, St. Louis Blues, You and Me, Cafe Society, Honeymoon in Bali, Virginia, One Night in Lisbon, Bahama Passage, The Crystal Ball, Cover Girl, The Impatient Years, Together Again (also producer), She Wouldn't Say Yes (also producer), Here Comes the Groom, and Affair in Trinidad; also produced Gilda and helped shape the career of Rita Hayworth.

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Van Upp, Virginia (1902–1970)

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