Van Valkenburgh, Elizabeth (1799–1846)

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Van Valkenburgh, Elizabeth (1799–1846)

American poisoner. Born in Bennington, VT, July 1799; hanged Jan 24, 1846; m. 2nd husband John Van Valkenburgh, Mar 1834 (died Mar 16, 1845); children: (1st m.) 4; (2nd m.) at least 2.

Condemned to death in Fulton, NY, made full confession to murdering 2nd husband with arsenic because he was "addicted to liquor" and "misused the children when under its influence"; denied murdering 1st husband, but in a subsequent statement did confess to poisoning him with arsenic about a year before his death.

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Van Valkenburgh, Elizabeth (1799–1846)

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