Kenjo, Takashi
KENJO, Takashi
KENJO, Takashi. Japanese, b. 1940. Genres: Administration/Management, Engineering. Career: TEAC Corp., Musashino, Tokyo, Japan, researcher, 1964-65; Polytechnic University of Japan, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, lecturer, 1965-71, associate professor, 1971-81, professor of electric motors and their controls, 1981-. Publications: Stepping Motors and Their Microprocessor Controls, 1984, (with A. Sugawara) 2nd ed. 1994; (with S. Nagamori) Permanent-Magnet and Brushless DC Motors, 1985; Power Electronics for the Microprocessor Age, 1989; Electric Motors and Their Controls, 1991; Upgrade Your English as a Japanese Scientist/Engineer and Manufacturing Motors; (with T.Sashida) An Introduction to Ultrasonic Motors, 1993; (with J. Lorriman) Japan's Winning Margins, 1994, 2nd ed. 1996. Editorial adviser to Oxford University Press.