Kennan, George (Frost)
KENNAN, George (Frost)
KENNAN, George (Frost). American, b. 1904. Genres: History, International relations/Current affairs. Career: Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey Joined U.S. Foreign Service, 1927; Vice Consul, Hamburg, 1927, Tallin, USSR, 1928; Third Secretary, Riga Kovno and Tallin, USSR, 1929; Language Officer Berlin, 1929; Third Secretary, Riga, 1931, Moscow, 1934; Consul, then Second Secretary, Vienna, 1935; Second Secretary, Moscow, 1935; with Dept. of State, Washington, 1937; Second Secretary, 1938; and Consul, 1939, Prague, Second Secretary, 1939, and First Secty, 1940, Berlin; Counsellor, Lisbon, 1942; Counsellor to U.S. Delegation, European Advisory Committee, London, 1944; Minister-Counsellor, Moscow, 1945; Deputy for Foreign Affairs, National War College, Washington, 1946; Member, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, 1949-50; Chief, Policy Planning Staff, Dept. of State, on leave at Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1950-51; Ambassador to the USSR 1952; visiting professorships, 1954-60; Ambassador to Yugoslavia, 1961-63; Professor, Princeton University, 1964-66; University Fellow in History and Slavic Civilizations, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1966-70; Fellow, All Souls College, Oxford, 1969. President, National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1965-68, and American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1967-71. Publications: American Diplomacy 1900-1950, 1951; Das Amerikanisch-Russische Verhaltnis, 1954; Realities of American Foreign Policy, 1954; Soviet-American Relations, 1917-1920, vol. 1, Russia Leaves the War, 1956, vol. 2, The Decision to Intervene, 1958; Russia, The Atom and the West (Reith Lectures), 1958; Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1945, 1960; Russia and the West (Reith Lectures), 1958; Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1945, 1960; Russia and the West under Lenin and Stalin, 1961; On Dealing with the Communist World, 1963; Memoirs 1925-50, 1967; Democracy and the Student left, 1968; From Prague after Munich: Diplomatic Papers 1938-40, 1968; The Marquis de Custine and His Russia in 1839, 1971; Memoirs 1950-63, 1972; Cloud of Danger, 1978; The Decline of Bismarck's European Order: Franco-Russian Relations 1875-1890, 1979; The Nuclear Delusion, 1982; The Fateful Alliance, 1984; Sketches from a Life, 1989; Around the Cragged Hill, 1993; At a Century's Ending, 1996; An American Family. The Kennans: The First Three Generations, 2000. Address: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, U.S.A.