Murphy, Tom
MURPHY, Tom. (Thomas). Irish, b. 1935. Genres: Novels, Plays/ Screenplays. Career: Engineering teacher, Vocational School, Mountbellow, 1957-62; Member, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, 1972- 75; Member, Board of Directors, 1972-83, and Writer-in-Association, 1986- 88, Irish National Theatre, Abbey Theatre; Founding Member, Moli Productions, 1974; Director and Writer-in-Association, Druid Theatre Co., Galway, 1983-85. Publications: A Whistle in the Dark, 1961; Famine, 1966; The Orphans, 1968; Epitaph under Ether, 1968; On the Outside, 1969; The Fooleen: A Crucial Week in the Life of a Grocer's Assistant, 1969; The Morning after Optimism, 1971; The Whitehouse, 1973; On the Inside, 1974; The Vicar of Wakefield (adaption), 1974; The Sanctuary Lamp, 1975; The J. Arthur Maginnis Story, 1976; The Informer (adaption), 1981; She Stoops to Conquer (adaption), 1982; The Gigli Concernt, 1983; Conversations on a Homecoming, 1985; Bailegangaire, 1985; A Thief of a Christmas, 1985; Too Late for Logic, 1989; The Patriot Game, 1991; The Seduction of Morality, 1994; Cup of Coffee, 1995; She Stoops to Folly, 1995; The Wake, 1997; The House, 2000; The Cherry Orchard (A Version), 2003.